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Ohio State Board Issues Notice Regarding CBD Products & Chiropractic

Not Within Chiropractic Scope

A number of states have begun to issue warnings to chiropractors regarding the status of CBD products and their legality in practice.

The following announcement was posted on the Ohio State Board of Chiropractic Website:

House Bill 523, effective September 8, 2016, legalized medical marijuana in Ohio. HB 523 does not make a distinction between CBD oil derived from hemp and CBD oil derived from marijuana. CBD oil is included in the definition of marijuana, whether as an extract or wholly synthesized. As such, licensees are prohibited from administering, selling, distributing, recommending or providing advice regarding CBD oil and hemp oil. If you have questions regarding medical marijuana please visit the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program website for information.

The Ohio State Chiropractic Association weighed in on the controversy stating:

"The OSCA has received many calls and questions regarding this topic over the years. We had our legal counsel, Daphne Kackloudis of BMD, look into the issue. The conclusion of the OSCA legal counsel is that "CBD is a controlled substance that should not be treated as anything less until formal actions are taken to change CBD's status." Therefore, it is the position of the OSCA that products containing CBD should not be used to treat or sold to patients."

Other states including New York, Michigan and North Dakota have come to similar conclusions.

The best advice we could find for any chiropractors with questions or concerns about this topic is to first contact your state board. Beyond that licensees are encouraged to seek legal counsel to ensure their operations comply with state and federal law on this issue.

CLICK HERE for more on CBD & Chiropractic

McCoy Press