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North Carolina Board Member Who Forced Mask Issue Promotes "Effective Antiviral" Treatment for COVID-19

Claims are in Direct Violation of NC Statute & Federal Trade Commission

Its been pretty clear throughout the COVID pandemic that pushing "Antiviral" remedies and making any sort of claim about boosting the immune system, treating COVID or viral disease in general is considered a major infraction. We are all familiar with the attacks on chiropractors from the likes of the ACA and WFC on these issues and the actions by chiropractic regulatory boards going after chiropractors who violate these rules and laws.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has also sent out cease and desist letters to chiropractors for even implying that chiropractic could help with COVID.

All of this seems to have escaped the radar of North Carolina Board of Chiropractic member Thomas Mitchell, D.C who very boldly tells the public about his "antiviral" medicines that he is using to treat it on his website under the section:

Office Protocol During COVID-19.

It's item number 11 on his list:

"I carry effective antiviral botanical medicines, which we can mail to your home."

He will mail it to you.

But don't be distracted that Dr. Mitchell is violating the very part of the North Carolina law that he and the rest of the board used to substantiate their adoption of a mask mandate for North Carolina Chiropractors:

"N.C. General Statute 90-157. Chiropractors subject to State and municipal regulations.

Chiropractors shall observe and be subject to all State and municipal regulations relating to the control of contagious and infectious

CLICK HERE for related story

In addition to his obvious flaunting of 90-157 he also appears to be in violation of the statute in regards to advertising:

b) Any one of the following is grounds for disciplinary action by the Board under subsection (a):

(1) Advertising services in a false or misleading manner.

While Dr. Mitchell was quick to provide only a single scientific reference to buttress his argument that chiropractors should be masked up we wonder what evidence he has that his "antiviral" medicine is effective for COVID?

Perhaps the Board will look into it - or continue looking the other way while they play mask police.

CLICK HERE to view images from Mitchell's Website promoting the antiviral for COVID

Members of the North Carolina Board of Chiropractic

Thomas Ayres, III, D.C., President
Christopher Outten, D.C., Vice President
John P. Hammer, D.C., Secretary Rocky Mount
Kimberly Q. Swintosky, Treasurer - Public Member
Kevin Sharp, D.C., Past-President
Thomas Mitchell, D.C., Member
Wallace “Ray” Chavez, D.C., Member
Lourdes Miranda, Public Member

McCoy Press