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The Intersection of Parkinson's Disease and Chiropractic Care: A New Avenue for Relief?

Exploring How Chiropractic Can Complement Traditional Approaches to Manage Parkinson's

Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a debilitating neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The disease is characterized by a range of symptoms, including motor impairments such as tremors, stiffness, and slow movements, as well as non-motor symptoms like sleep disturbances and mood changes. With no cure in sight, the primary focus remains on managing these often life-altering symptoms. However, emerging research suggests that chiropractic care may offer a complementary approach to traditional treatments.

The Role of the Nervous System

Before diving into how chiropractic care can help, it's crucial to understand the role of the nervous system in our bodies. The nervous system controls and coordinates all functions of the body, serving as the communication network between the brain and various bodily systems. When structural shifts occur in the spine, they can obstruct the nerves and interfere with their function. These obstructions, known as vertebral subluxations, can adversely affect the nerve supply and function.

What Chiropractic Care Can Do

By removing these structural shifts, chiropractic care aims to improve nerve supply and function, which could have important implications for people with Parkinson's Disease. Chiropractic targets these vertebral subluxations, aiming to correct them and restore optimal nerve function.

Reported Benefits

Patients who have undergone chiropractic care report several improvements that are critical for those dealing with Parkinson's Disease:

- Increased Muscle Strength: A boost in muscle strength, particularly in the hand muscles, has been observed, aiding in daily tasks.

- Enhanced Mobility: Patients often experience increased range of motion, particularly in the neck area, making movement easier and more comfortable.

- Reduced Muscle Tension: Reduced muscle hypertonicity, particularly in the cervical and thoracic regions, leads to decreased muscle spasms and less pain.

For instance, a 58-year-old woman who had been struggling with Parkinson's Disease for over a year found relief through chiropractic care. She had been experiencing resting tremors, arm weakness, and slow movements. In addition, she complained of neck, upper back, and mid-back pain, which had halted her daily walks. Post-chiropractic care, her symptoms improved dramatically, allowing her to return to her walking routine.

CLICK HERE to review that research

Points to Consider

While these findings are promising, it's essential to note that Chiropractic care is not a treatment for Parkinson's Disease. Its focus is on vertebral subluxations.


Although Parkinson's Disease remains a complicated and incurable condition, the inclusion of chiropractic care in a comprehensive care plan may offer additional relief and improve the quality of life for those affected. As we await more research, the current findings indeed provide a beacon of hope in the fight against this debilitating disease.

McCoy Press