Several doctors shared advice and experience regarding State Board experience and the political process during a conference call hosted by the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation and the International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations (IFCO).
Dr. Veronica Gutierrez, Foundation Executive Board Member, spoke about her efforts as a member of the Washington State Chiropractic Examining Board and the State Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission. She also served on the Washington Governor-Elect’s Health Care Advisory Committee. During her board terms, Dr. Gutierrez worked on efforts to establish chiropractic spinal adjustments as the gold standard for chiropractic care. Dr. Gutierrez shared her 'Rules of Engagement' for successfully navigating the politics of board appointment and involvement.
Recently appointed member Dr. Chris Waddell discussed the steps in his journey to the Oklahoma Board of Chiropractic Examiners. He credits previous service in community organizations as a major factor that led to his success. Dr. Waddell's story embodied what can come from exploring the realm of possibilities as he began his process with the State's online application process for board positions. He stressed the importance of listening and understanding your board. He also noted that a like-minded state association was established around the time of his appointment, and has thus created a strong working relationship with lobbyists.
A current State Board Chairman discussed the importance of educating staff members on chiropractic and developing relationships with staffers. He also stressed the importance of preparation for meetings to support your position, respecting your fellow board members, and learning how to use Robert's Rules of Order in order to exert the greatest possible degree of influence.