Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation
CCE Holding Forum on Accreditation

Attendance by Invitation Only

The Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) continued its efforts to alienate factions of the chiropractic profession that it does not want to deal with by limiting attendance to a Forum it is holding on April 27, 2013.

In a letter written by Chairman Craig Little DC, DABCO obtained by the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation the CCE listed the rules that will govern the meeting including:

1. Attendance is by invitation only
2. Names of attendees must be submitted ahead of time
3. Topics of concern must be submitted ahead of time

The CCE has been widely chastised within the chiropractic profession as well as by the United States Department of Education for its history of alienating various factions within the profession.

The committee that slapped the CCE with 43 violations of USDE policy had included as one of those violations that the CCE demonstrate that they had widespread support from the chiropractic profession on their policies and standards. It was this requirement that the CCE succesfully lobbied the Secretary of Education to remove - in effect giving the CCE autonomy to do as it pleases without involving the profession.

Despite this the CCE has aligned itslef with several cherry picked factions within the profession in order to give the appearance that they are working well with others. This activity includes a recent Consensus Statement signed by Presidents of chiropractic programs, the International Chiropractors Association, COCSA and the FCLB.

The Consensus Statement was subsequently adopted at a regular CCE business meeting. The Statement included language making subluxation synonymous with neurobiomechanical dysfunction, allowing for necessary drugs within the educational and clinical paradigm and cementing primary care as the focus of chiropractic education.

Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation