Stroke, Dissection, Chiropractic & Cardiovascular Risk
You have no doubt heard about the death of model Katie May and the controversy in regards to chiropractic, stroke and dissection. Dr. Oz will be discussing the topic on his television show today.
Whether you want to be thoroughly prepared to discuss the issues surrounding chiropractic, dissection and stroke or you just want to review some things for yourself we have put together a number of items for you.
Also CLICK HERE for information ChiroFutures has put out to the entire profession.
The bottom line is that we don't cause strokes and dissections but we have to be aware of patients who are presenting with dissections in progress and make the appropriate management decisions. It's as simple as that.
In the end, the scientific literature actually shows that we provide care that lowers certain risk factors for cardiovascular events.
Instead of running scared from this controversy - embrace it with science, logic and reason and educate your patients and community on this important topic.
As always I look forward to your feedback, comments and suggestions.
Matthew McCoy DC, MPH
McCoy Press Journals
Subluxation is Spoken Here
- The Chiropractic Cartel: A Look Back at Bias in Accreditation and its Imact on Today's Profession
- Inside Montana's Chiropractic Monopoly: ACA & MCA's Brazen Board Takeover
- Concerns Grow About Control of the NY State Chiropractic Board by the ACA - Use of X-ray in NY Under Threat
- Mark Bronson's Conflicted Role in NBCE’s Pilot Exam: Magical Thinking and Hidden Agendas
- How One Consent Mistake Exposed a Chiropractor to Serious Risk and How to Avoid it