NBCE Director Kim Driggers is Also the Attorney & Lobbyist for the Florida Chiropractic Association - Defends Existence of Monopoly in Florida

In what would be amusing if it were not so sickening, the paid attorney and lobbyist for the Florida Chiropractic Association Kim Driggers JD just so happens to also be an At Large Director on the Board of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) according to its website.
Driggers recently testified before the Florida House Subcommittee on Health Regulation that Florida needs the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) to continue to have a monopoly on accreditation in order to get licensed in the state because this somehow protects the public.
What many don't realize is that the NBCE enjoys a similar monopoly.
So here we have an attorney representing the FCA somehow justifying the existence and continuation of a monopoly, restricting freedom and restraining trade in the state.
Making matters worse is how badly misinformed Driggers is regarding chiropractic education and practice. How did she even get a seat on the NBCE given her widespread ignorance of the profession?
The membership of the FCA should be embarrassed by the actions of its leadership.
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Making matters even worse is who else the NBCE leaders throw student loan money at - including the self appointed Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) - another unnecessary non profit group of chiropractors who exert the will of the Cartel upon the profession.
Student money from the NBCE has been funding the bulk of the FCLB's budget for a very long time - to the tune of $655,140.00 a year. And that does not count the free rent and utilities the NBCE gives the FCLB totaling $32,764.00 per year.
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Another benefactor of student money from the NBCE is the "not for profit" Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) which was given $615,000.00 of student money by the NBCE Directors for "career development". Considering the F4CP took in $1.2 million in 2018 one wonders why the NBCE had to give them any student money.
And what a surprise that NBCE Directors sit on the Board of the F4CP.
Actually it is no surprise at all since a close inspection of these "non profits" reveals that their Directors bounce back and forth between the NBCE, FCLB and other Cartel controlled organizations on a regular basis. It is a close knit group of good ole' boys - and girls.
Given the fact that the NBCE is not even necessary, it seems pretty obvious that the NBCE should not be raising fees on students. Instead what should be happening is state regulatory boards should do what Colorado did and remove the NBCE requirement from the statute.
The fact that the NBCE is actually named in the statutes, rules and regulations in every state could be considered restraint of trade by active market players. And the Supreme Court has ruled that active market players acting in this fashion do not have the protection of the state if they are acting without proper oversight in these decisions.
Taken together, the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners and the Council on Chiropractic Education have complete control over the education, licensing, and regulatory aspects of the entire chiropractic profession.
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