The Crisis in Chiropractic Education and Practice: A Review of History and Suggestions for Reform

In an effort to open a more expansive dialogue about the crisis and offer some potential solutions Matthew McCoy DC, MPH has authored a paper on the topic and has made it available through open access.
The paper briefly reviews the history of the accreditation wars within chiropractic, the numerous lawsuits that have been filed, the emergence of a Cartel within the chiropractic profession, and the current state of affairs in regards to education and practice. The final section of the paper lays out the potential scenarios available to the profession over the next year or so as it navigates the crisis.
One way or the other the profession will be dealing with its issues relative to education, scope, primary care, and drugs. Its best to go into it fully educated on the matter.
Please take the time to review it and pass it on to others.
The Crisis in Chiropractic Education and Practice: A Review of History and Suggestions for Reform
Matthew McCoy DC, MPH
Journal of Philosophy, Principles & Practice of Chiropractic ~ Volume 2012 ~ Issue 1~ Pages 1-16
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