Colorado Chiropractors Now Able to Give COVID Vaccine Injections

These shocking changes were triggered by Executive Order D 201 008 signed last week by Governor Jared Polis. The Emergency Rules and the expanded scope of practice allow chiropractors to inject people as delegated by physicians, physician assistants, advanced practice registered nurses, certified nurse anesthetists and professional nurses.
While chiropractors may do the actual injecting of the experimental vaccine, they cannot prescribe, order or select which one to give.
This profound and shocking expansion of the scope of practice allowing chiropractors to inject vaccines comes amid a wave of changes in the profession over the past year.
From the endorsement and mandating of draconian measures such as mask wearing, to COVID testing, giving the actual injections and getting the vaccines themselves, the chiropractic profession has shown how deeply splintered it is when it comes to these issues and how lost it is in regards to its philosophy and foundational principles.
Some examples:
Following in the footsteps of the United Kingdom where chiropractors can sign up to be "vaccinators" the Quebec Health Minister Christian Dubé has stated that students and a variety of Quebec health professionals, such as chiropractors and veterinarians, will be able to help give COVID-19 and flu vaccines.
CLICK HERE for that announcement
The chiropractic profession has historically been divided along these lines and COVID has accelerated the deepening of the divisions as battles over vaccines, masks, sanitizing and other unscientific methods are forced upon a profession whose guiding philosophy is at odds with such unscientific and fear based tactics.
CLICK HERE for more on those stories
The ACA encourages chiropractors and their staff who wish to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to contact their state or county department of health to arrange for the vaccine. The ACA claims that integrated settings like hospitals or community health centers that a chiropractor has a relationship with can also be sources of the vaccine for them.
Both the ACA and the WFC endorse the practice of vaccination. The ACA also endorsed the flawed anti-chiropractic immunity document put out by the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) which was then used to go after chiropractors around the country for educating their patients on the role of chiropractic in immune function.
CLICK HERE for more on that story
The New York Chiropractic Council just recently sent out a notice to its members stating its been receiving inquiries from its members about how and when chiropractors can get the CCP virus vaccine and the Council provided all the contact information to help chiropractors get the injections. The Council has historically been a vitalistic chiropractic organization though it is listed as a RELATED ORGANIZATION on the ACA website and has close ties to the New York State Chiropractic Association which is an ACA Affilliate.
The Pandemic of 1918 catapulted the acceptance of chiropractors by the public and they earned respect for the service they provided to the sick and suffering masses. Unlike 1918, the current "leadership" of the profession has taken a different approach this time. Seeking instead to keep chiropractors quiet about the benefits of their care while at the same time forcing chiropractors to accept, endorse and enforce draconian measures and injections that go against the foundational principles of the profession and have little to no scientific basis.

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