Denver Demands Proof of Religious Beliefs for COVID Vax Exemption

The Public Health Investigations Division of the Denver Public Health & Environment is contacting employers and demanding that they provide written documentation on their employees demonstrating:
". . . how specifically getting the COVID-19 vaccination conflicts with sincerely-held religious beliefs for all individuals with religious exemptions."
Further to this demand the Investigations Division is demanding that weekly Covid-19 testing be performed on all individuals with exemptions.
The Investigations Division has stated in letters to employees that:
"Religious exemptions must be founded in part with a detailed explanation from the employee as to how specifically getting the COVID-19 vaccination conflicts with sincerely-held religious beliefs for all individuals with religious exemptions"
And . .
"One of the reasonable accommodations that will be required is weekly COVID-19 testing for individuals with exemptions."
According to a representative from the Department of Health in a phone call, they stated that they don't need specific permission to demand proof of religious convictions and that the Department has to verify that the religious exemption is real.
According to the actual August 2, 2021 Order from the Department of Health the Order requires:
Personnel of the following entities, or types of entities, to be fully vaccinated by September 30, 2021:
• the City and County of Denver;
• care facilities;
• hospitals;
• clinical settings;
• limited healthcare settings;
• shelters for people experiencing homelessness, including day and overnight shelters;
• correctional facilities, including jails, detention centers and community corrections sites and residences;
• schools, including post-secondary and higher education;
• childcare centers and services;
• any entity providing home care to patients; and
• any entity providing first responder services.
Chiropractors are included under the heading of "Limited Healthcare Settings" for purposes of the Order.
Both religious and medical exemptions are available under the Order.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the August 2, Order

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