ANMC Stands Firm Against Drug Prescribing Rights for Chiropractors in New Mexico

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ANMC Stands Firm Against Drug Prescribing Rights for Chiropractors in New Mexico

Advocacy and Resistance Amid NMCA & ACA's Push for Full Pharma Expansion

The Alliance of New Mexico Chiropractors (ANMC) Political Action Committee has recently issued a call to action to its members, emphasizing the need to resist the push for full drug prescribing rights for chiropractors in the state. The move to add drugs by the New Mexico Chiropractic Association (NMCA), an affiliate of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), is part of a broader effort that could potentially transform the chiropractic profession into something unrecognizable.

The Threat of Full Pharma Approval

Dr. Rod Justice, Executive Director of the ANMC, has highlighted the upcoming legislative season as a critical period for chiropractors in New Mexico. The NMCA is reportedly preparing to introduce a bill that seeks to expand drug prescribing rights for chiropractors, potentially granting full pharmaceutical authority. This development follows the hiring of two new lobbyists by the NMCA, indicating a significant push towards achieving this goal.

The Role of the ACA and Its National Agenda

The ACA's influence is pivotal in this scenario. As part of its State Affiliate Program, the ACA works closely with Affiliated state chiropractic organizations, including the NMCA, to advance their collective agenda. This program allows state affiliates to have a voice in the ACA’s governing body and participate in shaping national policy. One of the ACA's current initiatives is to expand the scope of chiropractic practice under Medicare to state scope, which would include drugs and would set a precedent for full drug rights across states once passed.

The NMCA's efforts in New Mexico are seen as a preparatory step, aligning with the ACA’s broader legislative agenda. By pushing for expanded pharmaceutical rights at the state level, the NMCA aims to position New Mexico as a forerunner in implementing these changes nationally once the ACA's Medicare Bill is enacted.

The Call to Action: ANMC's Response

In response to these developments, Dr. Justice and the ANMC Political Action Committee are rallying their members to step up their support. JD Bullington, ANMC’s lobbyist, has warned that the fight against this legislative change will require more time and resources than usual. To meet this challenge, the ANMC is urging its members to make monthly donations equivalent to the cost of one chiropractic adjustment.

Dr. Justice’s appeal is clear: “If every member of the ANMC were to donate the cost of one adjustment per month, we would be in great shape. Think about it, the cost of one adjustment, whether it be $30 or $80, can help us fight those who would change our profession into something else, something other than the chiropractic we know and love.”

The Bigger Picture: Collaboration and Advocacy

The situation in New Mexico is a microcosm of the larger national discourse on the future of chiropractic practice. The ACA's State Affiliate Program exemplifies the aggressive efforts between state and national organizations to control the profession. It also underscores the divergent views within the chiropractic community regarding the scope of practice and professional identity.

The ANMC's resistance to full drug prescribing rights is rooted in a desire to preserve the traditional principles of chiropractic care. As the legislative session approaches, the outcome of this battle will likely have far-reaching implications for chiropractors in New Mexico and beyond.

The ANMC's stance is a testament to the importance of grassroots advocacy and the power of collective action in shaping the future of chiropractic practice. As the legislative season unfolds, the dedication and support of ANMC members will be crucial in maintaining the integrity of the profession they cherish.

Dr. Rod Justice and the ANMC urge all members to contribute to this cause and help ensure that chiropractic in New Mexico remains true to its core values.

For more information and to make a donation, please CLICK HERE and visit the ANMC Political Action Committee’s website. Together, we can make a difference.

McCoy Press