ChiroFutures Malpractice Program - Support Those Who Support Your Values

The ChiroFutures Malpractice Program was founded and is run by Anthony Carrino DC, FICPA and Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, two chiropractors who are deeply dedicated to the chiropractic profession.
ChiroFutures RPG Malpractice & Risk Management Program is the premier professional liability program available for subluxation centered, family wellness chiropractors. Backed by an AM Best rated A+ insurance company, their policy offers comprehensive coverages including high limits of Board Defense and Billing Error Audit protection at a competitive premium. In addition, within their website, the exclusive members’ only section offers patient record forms, current HIPAA information and other valuable resources designed to protect a growing, vitalistic chiropractic practice.
In addition to educating and assisting chiropractors and the profession in areas of risk management, Drs McCoy and Carrino have a particular interest in chiropractic research, especially research focused on lifetime, subluxation centered, family wellness care. To that end they developed the Advancing Futures Research & Scholarship Program which is focused on training the next generation of subluxation centered chiropractic researchers.
ChiroFutures also established the Larry Webster Memorial Scholarship for students currently enrolled in chiropractic college who wish to do research on maternal or child care. Dr. Webster was a mentor to both Drs McCoy and Carrino during their time as students at Life College of Chiropractic. Dr. Webster appointed Dr. Carrino as one of the first Board Members of the ICPA and he went on to serve as President. Both Drs McCoy and Carrino are instructors for the ICPA’s certification and Diplomate programs. ChiroFutures is endorsed by the ICPA.
In addition to their support of the ICPA, ChiroFutures is also a Sponsor of the International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations (IFCO). Dr. McCoy serves on the Research Committee of the IFCO as well as the State Board Committee. McCoy and Carrino are very focused on the role of subluxation in the future of chiropractic and the IFCO aligns clearly with this focus.
ChiroFutures also supports several other subluxation centered chiropractic organizations including the Florida Chiropractic Society (FCS) where they are frequent speakers on their CE and Risk Management programs. ChiroFutures is also a regular contributor to the FCS Political Action Committee.
Dr. Carrino and McCoy are both members of the New York Chiropractic Council (NYCC) and frequent speakers and sponsors of Council events as well as contributors to their Political Action Committee. Dr. Carrino has been actively involved in the NYCC for many years.
ChiroFutures is a proud Sponsor of the Georgia Chiropractic Council (GCC) and Dr. McCoy is a member and frequent presenter at their conventions. ChiroFutures is a Sponsor of and is endorsed by the Arizona Chiropractic Society (ACS) and Dr. McCoy is a member of the Texas Chiropractic Society.
ChiroFutures has been a Sponsor of numerous events at Sherman College of Chiropractic for many years including their annual Lyceum and the annual International Research & Philosophy Symposium (IRAPS). Dr. McCoy regularly presents risk management programs for Sherman and has been a presenter at IRAPS for many years and serves on the IRAPS Steering Committee. ChiroFutures is proud to have been chosen by Sherman College of Chiropractic as the malpractice insurance provider for the school, its faculty and students.
Drs McCoy and Carrino are both graduates of Life College of Chiropractic and were classmates until they graduated in 1989. Dr. McCoy grew up in and around chiropractic from a young age and it was inevitable he would become a chiropractor. Dr. Carrino decided to become a chiropractor after a football injury in undergrad led to a life changing experience under chiropractic care. Dr. McCoy was a Professor in the Clinical Sciences Division at Life and served in various capacities at Life for 18 years. Both McCoy and Carrino have spent the past 20 + years working with chiropractors, attorneys and malpractice companies providing expert witness services in defense of chiropractors. In addition, Dr. McCoy has practiced in New York, Georgia, Florida, Washington and Russia. Dr. Carrino has been in active clinical practice in New York for 26 years.
Their long term commitment to the future of the chiropractic profession is evident by the work they have done throughout their careers in support of lifetime, family, subluxation centered wellness practice.
Where you spend your money is a reflection of your values. As a chiropractor you have several choices regarding where you purchase the necessities for your practice including malpractice coverage. Please consider the history and current efforts of Drs McCoy & Carrino when exploring malpractice coverage. In addition to the value inherent in the policy and its coverages that you receive, you will also be supporting lifetime, family, subluxation centered chiropractic.
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