Inside Montana's Chiropractic Monopoly: ACA & MCA's Brazen Board Takeover

Marcus Nynas DC of Billings, Montana, is a prominent figure within the national and state chiropractic community. His recent election as vice president of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) by the ACA Board of Governors (BoG) shines a light on the multifaceted roles he holds within the Chiropractic Cartel, which merit deeper inspection, particularly regarding potential conflicts of interest.
A Career in Chiropractic Leadership
Nynas is no stranger to leadership roles within the chiropractic profession. An ACA member since 1997, he was recently elected as VP to the ACA Board by the House of Delegates (HoD) and has championed ACA's causes as Montana's delegate for nearly a decade. Furthermore, as the chair of both ACA’s Payment Policy Committee and Medicare Advisory Board, Dr. Nynas actively works towards the expansion of scope. His role as a staff chiropractor with the Montana Veterans Administration underscores the rewards given for commitment to the ACA agenda.
Ties to Montana's Chiropractic Scene
Nynas's role in the ACA isn't limited to the national arena. Within Montana, he has been associated with the Montana Chiropractic Association (MCA), holding past positions such as the MCA President. The MCA is an Affiliate of the ACA (more on that below). This dual representation on both state and national levels along with his role on the regulatory board gives Nynas significant influence over chiropractic regulations, practices, and policies.
Conflicts of Interests Everywhere
Questions arise regarding Nynas's blatant conflicts of interest, given his deep-rooted affiliations and the relationship between the ACA and MCA. The recent changes proposed by the Montana Chiropractic Board, with strong influence from the MCA due to the membership of the board, indicate a shift towards monopolizing chiropractic education and practice in the state.
United Voices for Chiropractic Freedom
CLICK HERE for more on that effort
Considering Nynas's affiliations with the MCA and his significant role within the ACA, his impartiality in representing the diverse interests of Montana's chiropractors is conflicted.
The concern is not just about Nynas's affiliations but the broader issue of ensuring that regulatory boards and associations, which have the power to shape an entire profession, act in the best interests of their members and the public. When key figures have multiple overlapping roles, ensuring unbiased decisions that reflect the broader interests becomes a challenge.
Fleshing out the ACA, MCA and Montana Board's Ethical and Legal Conflicts
Nynas, who is currently the President of the Montana Board of Chiropractors, is typical of individuals within the Chiropractic Cartel who rise up in its ranks and end up doing its bidding. He was the 2011-14; and 2016-17 president of the Montana Chiropractic Association (MCA), and has been a member of the MCA board of directors from 2008-2015 and 2016-2019.
He was elected as Vice President of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) in January 2023 and is the Montana Delegate to the American Chiropractic Association from 2014-present. He was the alternate delegate from Montana to the American Chiropractic Association from 2009-2011; 2014. He was also the representative from Montana to the Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA) from 2011-14; 2016-17. The vast majority of the state associations that are members of COCSA (Now called ChiroCongress) are ACA organizations.
But that's not all - Every single member on the Montana Board is conflicted. In addition to Nynas:
- Dustin Rising - MCA Board Member.
- Rick Forrette - MCA Board Member and 2018 MCA chiropractor of the year.
- Richard Murak - MCA chiropractor of the year 2005.
If these conflicts of interest were not enough, the MCA is an Affiliate of the ACA. According to the ACA's website:
When joining the State Affiliate program, each state association will sign a partnership agreement with ACA. The agreement will include an acknowledgement that each organization’s vision of the future of chiropractic and their current policies, positions and plans for professional development are largely compatible. Further, it will contain a pledge that, to the extent possible, each organization will share information, infrastructure, staff and member support for joint programs and initiatives.
So, the MCA is - for all intents and purposes - the ACA.
The Path Forward
The very essence of a fair competitive landscape relies on checks and balances. As observed in the case of North Carolina Bd. of Dental Examiners v. FTC, it is essential that regulatory boards, especially those comprising active market players, are held accountable for decisions that restrain trade.
It is essential to recognize and address potential conflicts of interest transparently. The Montana chiropractic community, stakeholders, and the public must remain vigilant, ensuring that the profession's regulatory landscape is diverse, fair, and representative of all its members.
For Montana's chiropractic community to thrive, it's crucial to foster an environment where potential conflicts are openly discussed and addressed, ensuring the profession's integrity and future remain robust and inclusive.
Chiropractors are urged to contact the Montana Board of Chiropractic and the Governor of Montana to registers its concerns about these issues.
Time is of the essence. October 13, 2023, marks the deadline for comments on these changes. To protect the integrity and future of the chiropractic profession in Montana, it's imperative for those who believe in freedom in chiropractic education and practice to come together and take a stand.
Call to Action
For those in the chiropractic community who yearn for a free and diverse landscape, now is the moment to band together. Legal and regulatory action can put a stop to this looming monopolistic shift. Let's ensure that the future of chiropractic in Montana is one of inclusivity, excellence, and diversity. Stand united against this potential monopoly, raise your voice, and make your comments before the deadline. The future of Montana's chiropractic education is in your hands.
Contact the Montana Board of Chiropractic and let them know that they should not be adding CCE and NBCE Only language and contact the Governor's office and let them know what the chiropractors on the Montana Board are doing in his state.
Email the Board 1:
Email the Board 2:
CLICK HERE to Contact the Governor

- The Chiropractic Cartel: A Look Back at Bias in Accreditation and its Imact on Today's Profession
- Inside Montana's Chiropractic Monopoly: ACA & MCA's Brazen Board Takeover
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