Medicare Targeting Chiropractors

If you are practicing in Florida, New York or California and treat Medicare patients then be on the lookout for a letter from one of Medicare’s outside contractors telling you that you have been chosen for an audit (AKA post payment claim review).
Who could be against that – right?
Then they go on to tell you the reason they selected you. And by the way it’s the same reason they selected everybody.
They blame it on the Office of the Inspector General who urged:
“CMS Should Use Targeted Tactics to Curb Questionable and Inappropriate Payments for Chiropractic Services”.
This is because the OIG found a whopping $76 million in Medicare payments to chiropractors were “questionable”. I’ll let you look up what percentage of all Medicare money is paid to chiropractors versus medical providers and let you decide why taxpayer money is being spent going after chiropractors.
So much for Freedom of Information.
The key here is that they are targeting chiropractors in high fraud areas, those that see a high volume of Medicare and those that have some “history” with Medicare. That history is the key. For example, if you get a denial from Medicare and do not appeal it then this raises a red flag for them and you will be on their radar.
If you do get a letter from Medicare or one of their for-profit “partners” be sure to respond on time and be sure to notify us.
For more on Medicare CLICK HERE

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