ACA Leader Simone Says We Need New Kind of Drug Prescriber

In a letter written to and published by the Florida Chiropractic Physician Association of America, Mike Simone, DC, CCSP, Dipl. Med. Ac., FICC the Former District 6 Governor of the American Chiropractic Association and Immediate Past President of the ACA Board of Governors stated the chiropractic profession could be a different kind of drug prescriber. Apparently not aware of the osteopathic profession, Simone claims Western States and National are training such practitioners.
Simone goes on to criticize those he refers to as "idealogues" who he contends "wield control over your chiropractic brothers and sisters" and calls Riekeman a leader in this arena citing an anonymous internet story about Life University. Simone is a well known Subluxation Denier and has called for the elimination of subluxation based chiropractors.
Michael Simone Subluxation Denier
The following is the full text of Simone's letter to the FCPA.
We've been discussing prescription rights for quite some time and there has been growing support throughout the world. One point I don't think is being stressed is we don't need another mainstream medical prescriber--we need a prescriber who is different. Our patients, our healthcare system, need a prescriber whose education focuses on using the most conservative options available first and that drugs, prescription or non-prescription, are either a last resort or hopefully used for a very short period of time. We need a prescriber who is taught what alternatives there are for the more dangerous drugs on the market and have the ability to offer evidenced based alternatives. Where do we find such prescribers? Look to New Mexico--who have progressed the furthest with an 8 year stellar track record. Look at Western States and National Universities--who have programs that would give the public this kind of prescriber. Look to Switzerland and a few other European countries.
To the ideologues--you don't have to be afraid as your brand of chiropractic still flourishes in these venues. You can still have your Cal Jams, run your full page ads, and hide the fact you are a chiropractor by only using "DC" in your ads or at your garden show booths. But continuing to try to wield control over your chiropractic brothers and sisters (Guy Reikeman is a leader in this arena Ripoff Report | Life University Complaint Review Internet ) will only continue to diminish your credibility, prove you don't think you can compete with others who have additional education, and will lead to the further decline of the profession by the continuing loss of patients to physical therapists who have respect for their peers who attain additional education and provide more services to their patients.
Complaint Review: Life University
Mike Simone, DC, CCSP, Dipl. Med. Ac., FICC
Former District 6 Governor of the American Chiropractic Association
Immediate Past President of the ACA Board of Governors.
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