Chiropractic College Completion Rates
Graduation rates are reported by colleges as the percentage who graduate in 6 years. The percentage of students who graduate in 6 years is a federal government reporting requirement. Any school that awards federal student aid dollars (which is all of them), is required by the Student Right to Know Act, to supply the federal government with certain information, including the percentage of students who graduate within 150% of the typical time to a degree (or 6 years at a 4 year college).
The Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) is the profession's sole accrediting agency responsible for the quality, integrity and ethical issues related to the accreditation process. The CCE has reporting requirements regarding Student Performance Disclosures, Thresholds and Outcomes.
It is referred to as CCE Policy 56: Student Performance Disclosure, Thresholds and Outcomes
The Policy requires the Doctor of Chiropractic Program to annually post:
1. In the heading, provide the name of the DCP and the normal length of the program, e.g., 10
trimesters or 14 quarters
2. Column A - Adjust to reflect the program’s calendar, i.e., trimesters or quarters
3. Column B - Provide the number of students that matriculated for each entrance term
4. Column C - Adjust the column header to reflect 150% of the normal completion time, e.g., 21
quarters for a 14 quarter program
5. Column D - Provide the number of students in Column A that graduated by term in Column C
6. Column E – Calculate Column D divided by Column B
7. Totals - Provide the sum of Column B, sum of Column D, and the overall 2-year completion rate
NOTE: The two most recently completed academic years of data must be submitted based on the DCPs calendar. Eight data points should be entered for quarterly systems and six data points should be entered for trimester systems.
In keeping with the CCE Accreditation Standards requirements concerning student outcomes, the following are established as thresholds. Performance below these thresholds, as derived from data obtained by the Council, will indicate the need for further review and action as determined by the Council.
Completion of the D.C. Degree Program
The two-year average completion rate, calculated at 150% of the time normally designated for completion of the DC degree, must be at least 70%.
That means 21 quarters for a 14 quarter program.
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