Haas Awarded Researcher of Year by Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation

The Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation (FVS) has awarded Amy Haas DC, Ph.D Researcher of the Year for her work on its multi-pronged project to address questions related to the role of chiropractic care in immune function. The FVS is conducting a multi-pronged project on the role of chiropractic on immune function and Dr. Haas is currently conducting a broad review of the literature on the topic.
CLICK HERE to review the project outline
Several aspects of the project have already been completed including:
- Immune Function, Chiropractic and Vertebral Subluxation: A Multi-Pronged Project to Address Fundamental Questions in an Evidence Informed Framework
- A Scoping Review of Chiropractic, Vertebral Subluxation and Immune Function with Implications for Development of a Protocol for Measurement of Immune Biomarkers in Chiropractic Research & the Development of Related Policy
- A Scoping Review of Salivary Tests for Immunoglobulin A, Cortisol, and C-Reactive Protein in Consideration of Their Use as Immune Biomarkers in Chiropractic Research
- A Critical Evaluation of the World Federation of Chiropractic’s Fatally Flawed Review of Immunity & Chiropractic
- Chiropractic & Immunity: The Global Burden of Vertebral Subluxation. Conference Proceedings. October 24-25, 2020. Spartanburg, SC
- Immunity & Chiropractic Clinical Practice: Best Practices
CLICK HERE for more on that document
Dr. Haas received the award during the Mile High Chiropractic Conference in Colorado June 2-5, 2022. Haas is ideally suited for the project having completed a B.S. in Biochemistry at Bates College, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Medical College of Wisconsin, also in Biochemistry. Haas completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Pathology at Harvard Medical School in Boston and has a DC degree from LIFE University College of Chiropractic. In addition to her academic background she is in full time clinical practice.
According to Dr. Haas, she and the team are ". . . in the process of compiling a broad-category search of research literature intended to link the established neurophysiological affects of the chiropractic adjustment to potential impacts on multiple integrated systems, using a dynamical systems model and drawing from multiple fields of study."
The results from this exploration are intended to add to and update our foundational knowledge of the conceptual impacts of vertebral subluxation and of the chiropractic adjustment on these interconnected and integrated systems.
Discussing the Award, Foundation President Christopher Kent DC, JD remarked "Dr. Haas works tirelessly and quietly to help advance the practice of chiropractic in a subluxation model and this Award is well deserved".
Upon receiving the Award Dr. Hass stated:
"The wonderful surprise of receiving this recognition from the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation, specifically here in Colorado at Mile High amongst so many of the people who inspire me to do what I do, has honestly been one of the greatest honors of my life. My heartfelt thanks to the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation for this award. I’m very grateful, and I will aim to continue to create value for Chiropractic in meaningful and impactful ways."
Just over one year ago the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), Parker University, several United States and International chiropractic regulatory boards and several state and national chiropractic trade associations attacked and threatened chiropractors who educated their patients, the public and their communities about the relationship between chiropractic, subluxation, the nervous system and immune function.
CLICK HERE for more on that story
According to Matthew McCoy DC, MPH "The importance of the kind of tedious research work being conducted by Dr. Hass cannot be overstated. All values must be fought for and vigorously defended. If you thought the Deniers would stop after being exposed like they were - you were sadly mistaken. They will not stop until the management of vertebral subluxation is marginalized to the point that it cannot be practiced and they have stated this publicly."

Research News
- The 19th International Research and Philosophy Symposium (IRAPS): Bridging Philosophy, Science, and Practice in Chiropractic
- New Study Uncovers the Broad Systemic Benefits of Chiropractic Care on Nervous, Endocrine, and Immune Systems
- The Hidden Power of the Spine: How Vertebral Subluxation Impacts Health Through Systems Biology
- New Study Sheds Light on Vertebral Subluxation and Systems Biology
- Understanding Cervical Spine Movement and Motor Vehicle Accidents