Pohlman and Khan Given Positions on WFC Research Committee - Seen as Reward for Supporting WFC Position on Immune Function

Nearly two years ago six members of the World Federation of Chiropractic's (WFC) Research Committee were forced to abruptly resign in shame from the Committee and 17 corporate partners, malpractice companies, nutritional support companies, equipment manufacturers and schools pulled their sponsorships from the WFC. CLICK Here for more on that
The abrupt resignations were from those who had been leading the committee in its attacks on the management of vertebral subluxation in a vitalistic and salutogenic model. That was nothing new.
Then COVID hit.
As the world was starting to grapple with the emergence of Coronavirus and its related pandemic, chiropractors around the world were gearing up to care for millions of people suffering from the emotional stress and physical strain of daily life in a new normal. Meanwhile other chiropractors were gearing up to see how much trouble they could cause for chiropractors who chose to remain open and serve the suffering masses.
Within just a few days those chiropractors who deny the vitalistic, salutogenic model of vertebral subluxation had "leaders" within the profession to help them wreak their havoc. The World Federation of Chiropractic's Research Committee, then under the leadership of Greg Kawchuk DC, PhD - Adjunct Faculty at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and Christine Goertz DC, PhD - Palmer College of Chiropractic Honorary Alumna led the Committee in the development and dissemination of a deeply flawed hit piece falsely claiming that there is no credible, scientific evidence that chiropractic has any clinically relevant effect on the immune system.
The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) and the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) along with William Morgan President of Parker University and Katherine Pohlman Director of Research at Parker then falsely claimed that there is no credible evidence supporting the beneficial relationship between chiropractic, the nervous system and immune function.
The WFC's highly flawed and biased "rapid review" of literature was accepted without question with the ACA through Keith Overland DC stating the same in a television interview and Parker University President William Morgan DC who conducted an interview with Parker's Director of Research Katherine Pohlman DC, Ph.D who echoed the WFC's document snickering in an interview about it stating "There is no credible research" to support such claims. Morgan even threatened chiropractors that if they suggested chiropractic boosted immunity that they would be "under the hand of the law" and that chiropractors were "making claims that they can't back up". The document was then endorsed by the Texas Board of Chiropractic along with several other state boards.
In addition to Parker University and several regulatory boards endorsing the flawed document, several prominent Subluxation Deniers in the United States and Canada used the document to encourage the public to file complaints against chiropractors that remained open during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Not to be outdone in the rush to throw their fellow chiropractors under the bus for suggesting that chiropractic has a positive impact on immune function, the research team at New Zealand College of Chiropractic (NZCC) under the direction of Heidi Haavik and Imran Khan and including the new President of NZCC - Kelly Holt, published their own flawed and highly biased paper on chiropractic and immunity coming to the same ridiculous conclusions as the WFC, Pohlman, Morgan and the ACA.
CLICK HERE for more on that story
CLICK HERE for more on that story
So how did the cracker jack research team at NZCC miss all this?
Or did they actually see it and ignore it?
Before the NZCC even wrote their paper:
The Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation (FVS) reorganized its research team and began work on a series of major projects related to immunity & chiropractic. These included:
1. The WFC hit piece was exposed for the flawed document it is. CLICK HERE for A Critical Evaluation of the World Federation of Chiropractic’s Fatally Flawed Review of Immunity & Chiropractic.
2. A Best Practices document was published after international peer review by nearly 300 chiropractors. CLICK HERE for Immunity & Chiropractic Clinical Practice: Best Practices / Guidelines
3. A Project Outline was created to address future issues: CLICK HERE for Chiropractic, Vertebral Subluxation and Immune Function: A Multi-Pronged Project to Address Fundamental Questions in an Evidence Informed Framework
Yet none of that was included or addressed in their paper - even though these documents represent the highest level of evidence on the topic in the literature and even though all of it was available at the time they were conducting their review.
Could it be that while they were working on their paper the NZCC was positioning itself to get someone appointed to the new, reconstituted WFC Research Committee?
Suddenly the NZCA was once again a dues paying member of the WFC and Imran Khan NIAZI MS, PhD a Senior Research Fellow at New Zealand College of Chiropractic was on the Research Committee.
He was joined by Katie "There is no credible research" Pohlman the Director of Research at Parker University.
For over two years now we have been subjected to flawed research used to issue illegal mandates and enforce draconian policies on a macro scale. At the same time within the world of chiropractic, careers, money, power and control were all gained by the Chiropractic Cartel and those who benefit from going along with it. And to think it all started with a completely flawed document produced by an organization that seeks the destruction of the faction of chiropractic that focuses on the management of vertebral subluxation. And they were helped by leaders who pretend to be on our side.
"It is a moral crime to support your own destruction"

International Report
- Defending the use of Routine X-Rays in Chiropractic Care: A Public Health Imperative
- Addressing Misconceptions About Imaging: The Case for Routine and Repeat X-Rays in Chiropractic Care
- Those Who live in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones: The Hidden Burden of Birth Trauma in Australia
- The Australian Chiropractic Board’s Ban on Infant Care: Weak Rebuttals Amidst Medical Bias
- Australian Chiropractic Board Reinstates Ban on Infant Care After Hysterics by Health Ministers