LIFE West Sells Campus - Did Not Anticipate Rate of Change

Following two years of lock downs, online education, and draconian mandates from COVID, LIFE West's President Ron Oberstein DC announced in a press release that the Board of Regents has sold the campus to a development company, with a 6-year leaseback.
Assuring supporters that ". . . With a 6-year lease, we are continuing Business as Usual" and that "There is no change to anyone’s status, whether as an employee or student."
Oberstein assured the LIFE West community that "Every single student that is enrolled at this college location will have the right to graduate from this college location. There will be no change in our employees, faculty, resources, and accreditation."
Oberstein also noted the closing of Palmer's West Coast Campus which he said makes LIFE West "the ONLY chiropractic college in California north of Los Angeles, and we will continue to dominate this geographical area."
Though he also stated that the LIFE West Board had passed a motion that they ". . . are committed to having Life West keep a presence in Northern California."
It is not clear what they mean by "keep a presence".
Oberstein said ". . . we can take our time to find our next home" and would use the 6 years they have on the lease to ". . . look at what we desire in our next home, ie., green space, a truly collegial environment on more acreage, non-industrial area, housing, etc., and our Board of Regents is confident we will find just that."
Oberstein blamed the sale on the growing industrial area around the school that they have seen coming for years adding ". . . but no one knew would happen so quickly."
The closing of Palmer West would seem to have left LIFE West, Southern California University of Health Sciences and University of Western States with the sole chiropractic programs on the West Coast.

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