Bill to Remove "CCE Only" Language PASSES Florida House Subcommittee

In what is an historic day for freedom in chiropractic education, licensing, regulation and practice, the Florida House Health Regulation Subcommittee voted 14-4 to remove statutory language that gives the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) a complete monopoly on who gets a license to practice chiropractic in the state of Florida.
House Bill 1077 garnered widespread support from chiropractors, chiropractic organizations and schools who submitted written testimony to House legislators and showed up in person to support the Bill.
The President of the Florida Chiropractic Society (FCS) Brian Moriarity DC and the immediate past President of the FCS Eddie Martinez DC both spoke in support of the Bill to "adjust" the Florida Statutory language that limits graduates of chiropractic schools who wished to be licensed in Florida to only those accredited by the CCE.
The FCS has championed removal of the monopolistic language that gives a single accrediting agency the sole power to decide who gets a license.
CLICK HERE for more on that story.
The Florida Chiropractic Association (FCA) which is a supporter of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) also provided misleading testimony in opposition to the Bill in todays hearing before the House Subcommittee.
Kim Driggers - Attorney and lobbyist for the FCA mislead the legislators telling them that the reason the CCE nearly lost its recognition with the United States Department of Education a few years ago was because of "new standards".
Of course that is simply not true.
Even the Chair of the USDOE's NACIQI Committee at the time - Arthur Keiser - remarked that those who want another agency should create one while revealing his complete misunderstanding of how accreditation works.
The FCA attorney and paid lobbyist Driggers further used scaremongering suggesting that the public would be in danger should Florida break up the monopoly on chiropractic education.
That the FCA would oppose freedom in chiropractic and go so far as to provide misleading testimony and use scare tactics in order to keep a Cartel operating in the state is simply bizarre.
Chiropractors are urged to remember the actions of organizations who support the ongoing use of student loan money and the related debt burden of our young students in order to further their own interests.
CLICK HERE for information on that initiative
One can only wonder why any group would want such a Cartel to continue operating in the profession.
CLICK HERE for all the coverage on this story

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