Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation Issues Resolution in Support of the International Agency for Chiropractic Evaluation

As the powers that be within the Chiropractic Cartel continue to move the profession further and further away from its core values and purpose, it is becoming crucial for the survival of the faction of the profession focused on the management of vertebral subluxation that it embrace those organizations, agencies and people that work to secure our future.
Over the past several years the stark realization that the entire profession including its education, testing and regulatory arms are made up of several monopolies operating as a cartel within the profession.
This includes the area of educational accreditation. For several decades now, the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) has enjoyed a statutorily mandated accreditation monopoly. This is a result of what is referred to as "CCE Only" language placed in statutes, rules and regulations that limit the licensing of chiropractors to only those who have graduated from a CCE accredited school.
The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) enjoys a similar monopoly due to similar language in state laws, rules and regulations.
The language memorializing this monopoly has been systematically inserted over decades through the efforts of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) following the CCE's recognition by the United States Department of Education (USDE) in 1974.
This historic event happened after the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) broke its agreement with the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) to go to the USDE with a common accrediting agency. Instead, the ACA went behind the scenes and did it on its own.
The rest is history and now the CCE, NBCE and FCLB enjoy what the USDE has referred to as a virtual monopoly operating as a cartel within the profession.
Recently a collective of over 50 organizations, businesses, technique organizations, practice management groups and others have come together and called for an end to this monopoly and its cartel activities. CLICK HERE for more on that
Luckily, there is an alternative.
The International Agency for Chiropractic Education (IACE) was founded and chartered as a non-profit in 2001 and has functioned for fourteen years as an authority on vertebral subluxation-centered chiropractic.
The IACE encompasses the necessary expertise and experience to guide educational programs toward higher levels of academic excellence relevant to vertebral subluxation-centered chiropractic.
Consistent with the mission of the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation, the IACE exists as an avenue for chiropractic programs to enhance quality and gain certification or accreditation focused on training relevant to identifying, characterizing, and adjusting vertebral subluxations.
As such, the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation recently joined several other chiropractic organizations in endorsing the IACE through a Resolution. The following is the wording of the Foundation's Resolution:
Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation
Recognition of the International Agency for Chiropractic Evaluation
Whereas D.D. Palmer founded the chiropractic profession on the discovery that vertebral subluxation (VS) occurs and interferes with the function of the nervous system; and
Whereas the safe and effective analysis and adjusting of VS is the core value of the chiropractic profession because of its far-reaching implications; and
Whereas those chiropractic organizations, faculty, students, and individual chiropractors who wish to see VS remain the focus of the chiropractic profession have a responsibility to support those efforts that further that mission; and
Whereas a cartel involving the various education, testing, and regulatory authorities has effectively reduced the training of chiropractors “…to practice as primary care chiropractic physicians,” and thereby severely limited the opportunity for institutions to pursue instruction relevant to the analysis and adjusting of vertebral subluxation; and
Whereas the long-term effects of the cartel’s success in moving chiropractic practice toward a medical model have placed the profession on an unsustainable path, resulting in declining enrollments in chiropractic colleges; new graduates face alarming debt levels, and declining market share for chiropractic services along with declining average earnings of practitioners; and
Whereas the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation recognizes the pressing need to elevate the quality of education relevant to vertebral subluxation-centered practice; and
Whereas the International Agency for Chiropractic Education (IACE) was founded and chartered as a non-profit in 2001 and has functioned for fourteen years as an authority on vertebral subluxation-centered chiropractic; and
Whereas the IACE encompasses the necessary expertise and experience to guide educational programs toward higher levels of academic excellence relevant to vertebral subluxation-centered chiropractic; and
Whereas consistent with the mission of the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation, the IACE exists as an avenue for chiropractic programs to enhance quality and gain certification or accreditation focused on training relevant to identifying, characterizing, and adjusting VS; and
Therefore, be it resolved that the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation recognizes the International Agency for Chiropractic Education as an authority on vertebral subluxation-centered education, whose certification or accreditation dependably represents an assurance that programs accredited or certified by IACE function with integrity and meet its rigorous academic standards.
Passed by the Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation Board of Directors on June 27, 2023
Christopher Kent DC, JD
Matthew McCoy DC, MPH
Veronica Gutierrez DC
Christie Kwon DC, MS, MPH

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