Unmasking Chiropractic Monopolies, Ethical Dilemmas, and the Call for a More Equitable Future

An article has just been published that sheds light on the intricate challenges facing chiropractic education in today's world. Titled: Chiropractic Education’s Ethical Quandary: Balancing Access and Quality Under the Thumb of Monopolies & a Virtual Cartel, this thought-provoking piece authored by Matthew McCoy DC, MPH, is available to the public for FREE due to the profound significance of the issues it addresses.
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In a world where chiropractic education is at a crossroads, grappling with the vital balance between maintaining high admission standards and ensuring access to aspiring healthcare professionals, this article delves deep into the heart of the matter. It shines a spotlight on the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) as it finalizes revisions to its accreditation standards that profoundly impact chiropractic programs, students and the profession.
The article reveals the complexities behind a pivotal compromise that birthed Policies 7 and 56, policies that continue to have far-reaching ethical, moral, and financial implications for chiropractic schools, the accrediting agency, the profession, and most crucially, the students caught in the middle.
Monopolies and a Virtual Cartel: A Coercive Dilemma
The article examines the significant monopoly held by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) over chiropractic education, effectively controlling the accreditation and licensing process for chiropractic programs in the United States and beyond. It underscores the hurdles faced by chiropractic graduates and potential students who must graduate from a CCE-accredited school to get a license and practice the profession, likening this to a coercive offer.
Moreover, the article brings attention to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE), another entity operating with a substantial monopoly on chiropractic licensing exams in the U.S. It discusses how the NBCE's influence further exacerbates the challenges faced by aspiring chiropractors and how these two monopolies work together forming a virtual cartel. The article highlights the need to address monopolistic practices within the profession.
Policy 56 and Its Implications
The article investigates Policy 56, mandating graduation rate reporting, revealing its potential consequences for the nearly 30% of students who may not complete their chiropractic programs. These students often face financial hardship and insurmountable student loan debt, raising ethical, moral, and financial concerns.
The Dismantling of the Alternative Admissions Track (AAT)
In 2023, the CCE is making significant changes to its admissions standards, including the dismantling of the Alternative Admissions Track (AAT). The article explores the implications of this decision, questioning whether it prioritizes students or self-interest. The AAT provided a lifeline for students who could not meet admissions standards and for schools that would have lost out on the income from those students. Its removal raises concerns about transparency and accountability.
A Call to Action
The publication of this article opens a critical dialogue on the future of chiropractic education, ethics, access, and the role of monopolies. We invite all stakeholders, including students, educators, healthcare professionals, and the public, to engage in this discourse. Share your thoughts and insights as we collectively work towards shaping a more equitable and transparent chiropractic education system.
Join the Conversation and Respond to the CCE's Call for Comments
We also encourage you to respond to the Council on Chiropractic Education's (CCE) call for public comments on the Final Draft of the revised CCE Accreditation Standards & CCE Residency Accreditation Standards. These revisions are being influenced by a multitude of sources, including recommendations from various workgroups from within the chiropractic educational world. What is missing is input from other stakeholders outside of the chiropractic educational bubble and the related self interest inherent within it.
Public comments intended for consideration by the Council at the annual meeting must be received no later than 4:30 pm (PDT) on October 31, 2023, via the survey.

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