Vanterpool Responds to FCLB's Motion for Summary Judgement: Chiropractic Summit at Heart of the Case

CLICK HERE to read the Response
The Centerpiece: Vanterpool's Attempt to Attend the Chiropractic Summit Meeting
The core issue in this case revolves around Keita Vanterpool's attempt to attend the Chiropractic Summit Meeting. According to propaganda distributed by the Summit, this secret gathering plays a significant role in the chiropractic profession, bringing together self selected key stakeholders within the Cartel to discuss industry developments and goals. These types of meetings are key attributes of Cartels that attempt to restrain trade.
Attempts to find out who the members of the Summit are and what the requirements are for membership have gone unanswered. Lisa Love-Smith, the Executive Director of the Chiropractic Summit, has refused to respond to email and fax requests for this information despite her assertion that the Summit has over 30 members (down from 40 based on old reports). The Summit's website url ( returns a "FORBIDDEN" message. Love-Smith is also the Executive Director of the Michigan Association of Chiropractors (MAC) which is a Related Organization to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). The MAC website does not list who the leadership of MAC is. The International Chiropractors Association (ICA) is also a member of this secretive group and Discovery documents in the Vanterpool case show that the FCLB is a "Partner" of the Chiropractic Summit. It is also known that ChiroCongress is also part of the Summit. ChiroCongress is an organization made up of all the ACA Related and Affiliated state organizations. Despite its claim to represent all chiropractors, not all state associations are members of ChiroCongress.
Unequal Treatment
According to Vanterpool's opposition to the defendants' motion it reveals a stark contrast in how she was treated compared to other FCLB board members. Despite the fact that FCLB's bylaws and policies outline specific procedures for handling violations and discipline, Vanterpool alleges that her suspension was unjust.
- Lack of Specific Violations: One of the key points in Vanterpool's opposition is the absence of clear violations cited against her. While other board members could identify reasons for their actions in other cases, Vanterpool contends that no specific violations were presented to justify her suspension.
- Discrepancy in Sanctions: Vanterpool highlights the inconsistency in the disciplinary actions taken against FCLB board members. Cynthia Tays, a white board member, received a shorter suspension for her violations, while Vanterpool, an African American, faced a more severe penalty for a seemingly lesser offense.
- Lack of Due Process: Vanterpool asserts that she was not provided with proper notice or an opportunity to respond in writing before her suspension, a process that other board members benefited from.
Pretext for Discrimination
Vanterpool argues that the defendants' reasons for her suspension are weak, implausible, and contradictory, constituting pretext for discrimination. She offered evidence that her treatment differs from that of her white counterparts, further supporting her claim of discrimination.
CLICK HERE for an Examination of the Testimonies of Atkinson, Boghosian, and Winkler
However, at the heart of this racial discrimination case lies another concern: the influence of the chiropractic cartel and its impact on the profession.
The Chiropractic Cartel: A Hidden Web of Influence
To understand the dynamics at play in Vanterpool's case, one must grasp the concept of the chiropractic cartel described by Don Harrison (CLICK HERE) and then as the centerpiece for the now infamous hearing before the United States Department of Education (USDE) when the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) was chastised for having over 4000 complaints against it related to its request for renewal of recognition by the government agency. It was at this hearing that Board members referred to the "virtual cartel" operating as a "monopoly" within the chiropractic profession. One attorney on the board compared the Chiropractic Cartel to Tony Soprano alluding to the mafia. There exists within chiropractic a network of organizations, including but not limited to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE), the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE), and the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB), which exert significant control over the chiropractic profession while using student loan money, its related debt and state tax dollars to fund its operations.
As the USDE hearing transcripts show, and news reports document, it was the decision by the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) and LIFE University to do an about face and come out in support of the CCE at the last minute before the hearing that led to the Committee's decision to grant the CCE's continued recognition as long as they demonstrated stakeholder involvement moving forward. The Chiropractic Summit and its related organizations also supported the CCE's continued recognition.
Monopolies Funded by Tax Dollars and Student Loans
These organizations hold considerable power over chiropractic education, licensure, and regulation. What makes this situation even more concerning is the source of their funding: tax dollars and student loans. Chiropractic students, through their tuition and loans, inadvertently contribute to the support of these monopolies.
A Seat at the Table: The Chiropractic Summit
At the center of Vanterpool's legal battle is her desire to attend the Chiropractic Summit, an apparently exclusive gathering where self selected key figures in the chiropractic world gather in secret to discuss industry developments and goals. However, her quest for a seat at this table was met with resistance from Karlos Boghosian and Carol Winkler.
The Unanswered Question: Why Was Vanterpool Denied a Seat at the Table?
A crucial question looms large in this case: Why did Boghosian and Winkler oppose Vanterpool's participation in the Chiropractic Summit? While their motivations remain unclear, it raises concerns about transparency and fairness within the chiropractic profession.
The Revolving Door and Lucrative Positions
Further complicating matters is the phenomenon of board members within these organizations moving between private organizations and state regulatory boards. Cynthia Tays, for example, served on the Texas Board while also serving on the FCLB. Boghosian's journey from NBCE and FCLB leadership roles to now becoming the President of the International Board of Chiropractic Examiners (IBCE) while he also serves as Chair of the Connecticut Board of Chiropractic underscores the interconnected nature of these entities and the incestuous nature of the relationship and flow of money between the private and public sector.
Keita Vanterpool's case offers a glimpse into the complex web of influence, money, and secrecy that characterizes the chiropractic cartel. As her legal battle unfolds, it raises fundamental questions about fairness, representation, and accountability within the chiropractic profession. Ultimately, it calls for transparency and a reevaluation of the role these organizations play in shaping the future of chiropractic care.
CLICK HERE for more on the Vanterpool case

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