On Purpose Politics August 2024: Navigating the Political Landscape

On Purpose
On Purpose Politics August 2024: Navigating the Political Landscape

Exploring Universal Licensure, Pandemic Preparedness, and New Educational Programs

The August 2024 Politics edition of On Purpose with Drs. Christopher Kent and Matthew McCoy offers a deep dive into the political developments and healthcare issues that are currently impacting the chiropractic profession. This month’s discussion sheds light on recent legislation, challenges in licensing, government preparedness, and innovations in chiropractic education.

Universal Licensure in Florida: A Double-Edged Sword?

One of the most significant topics covered is the recent legislation in Florida regarding universal licensure. While the new law allows licensed professionals to easily obtain licenses in the state, it remains uncertain whether chiropractors will benefit from this policy. Drs. Kent and McCoy express skepticism about the Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine’s willingness to include chiropractors in this initiative. Concerns about maintaining control over the profession and ensuring scope expansion are likely to hinder the inclusion of chiropractors in universal licensure, leading to potential challenges for out-of-state practitioners.

Pandemic Preparedness: A Risky Operation?

The conversation then shifts to government pandemic preparedness operations. Drs. Kent and McCoy raise important questions about the effectiveness and motivations behind these initiatives. With new pathogens being added to the World Health Organization's list of potential triggers for the next pandemic, including various coronaviruses and bacteria, the stakes are higher than ever. The doctors discuss the risks and implications of these preparedness operations, comparing them to "arsonists running the fire department."

Scientific Integrity Under Fire

In a segment that is particularly relevant to researchers and healthcare professionals, Drs. Kent and McCoy highlight the growing issue of scientific integrity. Retraction Watch, a database tracking retracted scientific papers, has reached a milestone of over 50,000 retractions. This alarming number exposes the prevalence of publishing schemes and paper mills, raising serious concerns about the reliability of scientific literature. The conversation underscores the need for vigilance and transparency in scientific publishing to maintain the credibility of research that informs healthcare practices.

New Programs from Parker University

The episode concludes with a discussion about new educational programs offered by Parker University. Among the highlights are an online Master of Science in Interprofessional Spine Management and a Master of Science in Pediatric Musculoskeletal Health and Performance. These programs represent Parker University’s lack of focus on vertebral subluxation and their focus on pain management. Listeners are reminded of the role Parker and its leadership played in muzzling chiropractors who spoke about the role on chiropractic in immune function during the COVID nonsense. 

Final Thoughts

The August 2024 Politics edition of On Purpose offers a comprehensive overview of the political and healthcare issues that are shaping the future of chiropractic. From the uncertain prospects of universal licensure in Florida to the challenges of scientific integrity and the introduction of new educational schemes that have little to nothing to do with actual chiropractic, this episode provides valuable insights for chiropractors and healthcare professionals alike. Don’t miss this essential conversation—tune in to On Purpose and stay informed about the issues that matter most to the chiropractic community. Visit https://app.chiroonpurpose.com/ to listen now.

McCoy Press