Advocating Major CCE Reforms, “DaVinci Group” Holds Second Strategy Conference

A large and diverse body of concerned individuals and organization representatives gathered in Scottsdale Arizona on July 12, 2012 to continue to determine effective ways and means of securing profound and fundamental reforms within the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE). More than sixty individuals representing thirty organizations met at the Hyatt Regency Resort Scottsdale for an intensive day-long session of dialogue, information sharing and an in-depth discussion of the specific reforms needed within CCE to restore profession-wide confidence in and acceptance of chiropractic’s sole accrediting agency.
Named for the conference room in which the inaugural session was held on May 19th in Atlanta, Georgia, the DaVinci Group scheduled its second meeting to coincide with the CCE’s second “Stakeholder” session and the CCE Mid-Year meeting, at the same facility, in an effort to facilitate maximum connectivity. The second DaVinci Conference continued the far-reaching work of the inaugural Atlanta session with a special focus on how best to engage CCE decision makers on the vital importance, indeed urgency, of re-establishing a strong chiropractic-centered basis for the agency’s educational Standards.
The group also explored various aspects of the public policy process and considered a variety of means by which the concerns of the mainstream chiropractic practitioner might most effectively be communicated in this complex arena.
Recognizing the long-term nature of the challenges inherent in the mission and goals of the group, a representative Steering Committee was elected to coordinate the ongoing activities of the DaVinci Group. In an effort to make the Steering Committee as representative as possible, the participants were, by unanimous consent, divided into several categories based on the nature of the group they represented. Thus, the representatives of state chiropractic associations were asked to select two representatives to the Steering Committee; representatives of technique organizations to select one representative; national associations to select two representatives and the reform advocacy and research organizations were invited to select the final two representatives.
The group then elected a Chairperson at-large with all representatives participating in that dimension of the voting process.
The Steering Committee of the DaVinci Group elected on July 12th includes:
Gerard W. Clum, DC - Chairman
Sharon Gorman, DC - State Associations Representative
Tim Day, DC - State Associations Representative
Daniel Lemberger, DC - Technique Group Representative
Michael S. McLean, DC - Reform Groups and Foundations Representative
Jay G. Kormarek, DC - Reform Groups and Foundations Representative
Bill Decken, DC - National Association Representative
Stephen P. Welsh, DC - National Association Representative
In addition to the Steering Committee elected at the Scottsdale conference, several topical committees on key issues were also empanelled and charged with conducting research and preparing papers for consideration and use by the group as efforts move forward.
The proximity of the DaVinci Conference II to the proceedings of the CCE made it possible for numerous representatives participating in that discussion to readily be available for the second CCE “Stakeholders” meeting. The CCE discussion took place on the morning of July 12th. Following the conclusion of that discussion, various DaVinci Group participants who also attended the CCE Stakeholders meeting presented detailed reports on the topics covered, questions asked, etc., to the full DaVinci group in the afternoon. While DaVinci attendees acknowledge CCE’s effort to better communicate and engage in necessary dialogue, they remain guarded, awaiting meaningful reform of the Council’s structure, standards and policies.
The DaVinci Group reaffirmed the statement developed at the Atlanta meeting on May 19th calling for fundamental reforms within the CCE. Three main areas were agreed upon in the document as areas needing immediate CCE attention. They were in areas of the Standards and CCE becoming more representative of the mainstream practice of chiropractic. These include:
• Restoring the language of “…detection and reduction of vertebral subluxation”
to the Standards describing the course work leading up to receiving the Doctor of Chiropractic degree.
• Returning the phrase “…without the use of drugs or surgery” which had been recently removed from the foreword of the Standards to an appropriate placement in the 2012 version of the Standards.
• Reforming several governance issues that would broaden the way elections are held, increasing diversity and representation on the CCE’s governing Council.
DaVinci Group participants at the Scottsdale session also expressed strong unanimity in support of the inclusion in the CCE Standards of language that provides for subluxation detection and correction for both symptomatic and a-symptomatic patients.
“The long term nature of the commitment of those concerned about the need for reform within the CCE has been well reflected in the actions taken at the July 12th conference,” said DaVinci Group Chairman Dr. Gerard W. Clum. “Moving forward, this growing movement now has an infrastructure based on a powerful consensus, a growing list of tasks and action steps and there is both excitement and determination among those working for the strongest possible future for chiropractic’s educational system.”
The DaVinci Group Steering Committee will be coordinating the next action steps on the part of the group and will keep the chiropractic profession fully informed and advised as to when and where grass-roots actions are needed.
Contact: Ron Hendrickson
fax: 703-528-5023
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