Call For Abstracts - IRAPS 2013

Abstracts will be accepted through June 17th.
Topics may include the following:
1. Language/lexicon/terminology
a. What are the roots?
b. Advantages and disadvantages of being distinct from other health care
2. Five signs of life
a. What are they?
b. Does correction of the subluxation affect these signs? If so, is there
supporting evidence?
3. Politics
a. A place for vertebral subluxation (VS)-centered chiropractic in health careb. The future of VS-centered care
c. Can we move away from the VS and maintain ourselves as a separate and distinct profession?
d. Is there sufficient evidence to say that: a) VS is real and b) people are better off without VS?
e. Is VS a hindrance to professional growth, or a necessity?
4. Research agenda
a. Outcomes based studies
b. Reliability studies
c. Status of VS research. Where are we today? What, if any, change is
5. Analysis/Adjusting technique
a. Components of the vertebral subluxation...can they be scientifically
b. Methods for determining the presence of the VS in a clinical setting
6. Education
a. Attitudes of faculty and administrators of chiropractic schools regarding VS
b. History of strife over the VS within the profession
c. VS as a public awareness issue
Other related topics will also be considered.
Submission Requirements
Abstracts should be limited to approximately 300 words and submitted electronically. Also submit a current vita showing educational and other scholarly accomplishments. Each double-spaced abstract should include:
Author’s name and email, including your address, phone and fax numbers.
Introduction – introduce the topic; discuss and reference numerically in your reference list, previous pertinent research in the literature; state the purpose of your current topic
Methods – how you gathered your information
Discussion – interpret your findings and indicate how they might relate to previous findings in the literature. Identify limitations to your findings
Conclusion – identify your take home message and the direction future research could take regarding your topic
Reference list – use the numeric system
If your submission is accepted, you will be allocated time for presentation during the weekend of October 19-20, 2013. After each presentation, a brief time will be allocated for questions from the audience.
Those submitting will be notified in July whether their abstracts have been accepted for IRAPS.
Please email your abstracts to:
Stacy Bradey, Director of Continuing EducationSherman College of Chiropractic
P.O. Box 1452 / Spartanburg, SC 29304
(800) 849-8771 or (864) 578-8770, ext. 229
Please visit our web site at
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