
Palmer Chancellor Marchiori Praises ACA's Rebranding Efforts
02/16/2018 - 16:48 – Responding to the American Chiropractic Associations (ACA) recent rebranding efforts, Dennis Marchiori DC ... , Marchiori made no mention of vertebral subluxation. Instead, Marchiori stated it did "... not support ... "not typically black and white" Marchiori urged practitioners to consider the dangers of ...
Last updated 6 years 23 weeks ago
Palmer Chancellor Marchiori Applauds Wisconsin's Push to Expand Scope
12/15/2014 - 22:40 – In a recent press release Palmer Chancellor Dennis Marchiori DC, Ph.D stated that the Wisconsin ... , are uniquely qualified to fill this role." Marchiori stopped short of recommending ... professionals for spinal health and well-being." Marchiori stated ". . . we need an identity, a focus ...
Last updated 9 years 32 weeks ago
Subluxation Denier Stephen Perle to Speak at Palmer West Homecoming
04/16/2019 - 13:26 – ACA comes on the heels of Palmer Chancellor Dennis Marchiori DC lauding the ACA's re-branding ... efforts in a letter to Palmer Alumni . In his letter to Alumni, Marchiori made no mention of vertebral ... subluxation. Instead, after praising the ACA, Marchiori stated it did "... not support the narrow scope ...
Last updated 5 years 10 weeks ago
Palmer's Board Dominated by ACA Members
12/15/2018 - 16:21 – been so widely embraced and while the Chancellor of Palmer Dennis Marchiori DC provided a tepid ... Marchiori's support for scope expansion. More on the ACA's Re-branding Efforts ...
Last updated 5 years 31 weeks ago
Palmer West President Bill Meeker Praises the ACA & Palmer's Support for the NCLC
03/20/2018 - 19:30 – ACA comes on the heels of Palmer Chancellor Dennis Marchiori DC lauding the ACA's recent re ... -branding efforts in a letter to Palmer Alumni. In his letter to Alumni, Marchiori made no mention of ... vertebral subluxation. Instead, Marchiori stated it did "... not support the narrow scope of plain film ...
Last updated 6 years 18 weeks ago
Washington State Association Seeks Scope Expansion
09/08/2013 - 20:11 – Chancellor Dr. Dennis Marchiori. Stating he was the President of the largest chiropractic college, Marchiori ... lamented that there was a great deal of misinformation regarding this issue. Marchiori stated ... , under the leadership of Marchiori recently adopted a new mission centered around chiropractors as ...
Last updated 10 years 46 weeks ago
Washington State Says "No" to Expanded Chiropractic Scope
01/29/2014 - 17:29 – Chancellor Dr. Dennis Marchiori. Stating he was the President of the largest chiropractic college, Marchiori ... lamented that there was a great deal of misinformation regarding this issue. Marchiori stated ... leadership of Marchiori recently adopted a new mission centered around chiropractors as primary care ...
Last updated 10 years 25 weeks ago
National University Vows Support of Drug Expansion Efforts in Wisconsin
11/19/2014 - 22:19 – Guy Riekeman, President of Life University and the other from Dennis Marchiori, Chancellor of Palmer ...
Last updated 9 years 36 weeks ago
Association of College Presidents Support Expanding Medicare to Full Scope
04/22/2016 - 20:39 – - Dennis Marchiori, DC, PhD Vice Chair - Todd Knudsen, DC Secretary/Treasurer - Clay McDonald, DC ...
Last updated 8 years 13 weeks ago