
No Proof that Subluxations Exist States Chiropractic Researcher Leboeuf-Yde
04/24/2018 - 19:18 – Alberta, Canada  Dave Newell, Anglo European College of Chiropractic , UK Bruce Walker is the ...
Last updated 6 years 13 weeks ago
Few Schools Outside US Teach Subluxation According to Curricular Review by Subluxation Deniers
07/07/2018 - 13:38 – States Chiropractic College, USA Gregory N Kawchuk, University of Alberta, Canada  Dave Newell ...
Last updated 5 years 50 weeks ago
Subluxation Deniers Publish Flawed Paper on Student Attitudes
03/21/2018 - 18:44 – Kawchuk, University of Alberta, Canada  Dave Newell, Anglo European College of Chiropractic , UK ...
Last updated 6 years 18 weeks ago