
Murdoch University Instructor Keith Simpson Says There is "No Credible Evidence for Subluxation Based Care"
09/24/2017 - 14:26 – singled out chiropractors and made changes to their Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) in regards to spinal ...
Last updated 6 years 43 weeks ago
Majority of Chiropractors on Texas Board are TCA and ACA Members
02/14/2017 - 17:09 – support and active participation in scope expansion efforts across the United States, including Medicare ...
Last updated 7 years 23 weeks ago
ICA Elects New Leadership & Releases Resolutions
05/23/2015 - 20:34 – might be engaged in the practice of third party pay (including Medicare) where diagnosis and procedure ...
Last updated 9 years 9 weeks ago
ACA Embraces Drugs - Establishes College of Pharmacology
03/23/2015 - 13:01 – Resolution passed by the ACA HOD calls for the inclusion of full scope practice rights under Medicare. ...
Last updated 9 years 18 weeks ago
ICA President McLean Changes Tune in Regards to CCE
11/24/2013 - 01:00 – is the only chiropractic service covered under the Federal Medicare program…..Despite assurances to ...
Last updated 10 years 35 weeks ago
IFCO Position Statement on the Chiropractic Summit
11/01/2013 - 00:00 – Health Care Reform/Medicare Reform & DoD/VA/PHSC
2. Doctor Practice Satisfaction & Self Esteem ...
Last updated 9 years 18 weeks ago
Subluxation is a Scare Tactic Says Jeff Williams DC - Meanwhile, is he Violating Texas Laws & Rules?
07/14/2023 - 11:12Medicare. They want Medicare to pay for anything that's in the state scope. According to records ...
Last updated 1 year 1 week ago
Did Chiropractic "Expert" Braden Keil Give Misleading Testimony to Chiropractic Board of Australia?
09/01/2017 - 20:43 – recently as The Australian Government targeted chiropractors with changes to their Medicare Benefits ...
Last updated 6 years 47 weeks ago
Texas Board Pushes Expanded Scope
06/11/2014 - 20:39 – about [Medicare and private insurance] fraud in order to regulate from our end.”  Rep. Brian ...
Last updated 10 years 6 weeks ago
No Surprises Act, Good Faith Estimates & Chiropractic
01/19/2022 - 22:24 – private practice.  They are basing this off of what the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ...
Last updated 2 years 25 weeks ago