Barcelona College Denied Accreditation by European CCE

Barcelona College of Chiropractic was recently denied accreditation by the European Council on Chiropractic Education (ECCE).
According to the site team report:
"Evidence from patient files suggests that practice does not reflect the biopsychosocial and patient centred care models as espoused in the graduate competencies detailed by the College."
They further stated:
"Similarly, patient assessment and patient treatments do not necessarily reflect the best evidence available and patient needs. This suggests that students may not be able to assume appropriate clinical responsibility on graduation. For these reasons, further attention is needed to both clinical skills teaching and clinical practice."
The assumption of course is that subluxation based care is not evidence based.
And in a very strange concern by the site team clearly designed to attack the vitalistic leanings of chiropractic the site team did not approve of the use of the term "Practice Member" in lieu of the term "patient" stating:
"Moreover, the use of the term ‘practice member’ is highly questionable and again does not align to the biopsychosocial model."
What makes the site team comments even more bizarre is the Green Light comment by the site team regarding a lack of "undue influence" in the design and development of their curriuclum:
"The College has designed and developed its own curriculum with input from stakeholders and no undue influence from external sources. The various educational experts and consultants have advised the College on changes and developments. The College has maintained its philosophical approach within the programme, which appears to be supported in the advice given by its stakeholders and advisors."
It appears the only influence the ECCE would like is that of its own.
Barcelona College of Chiropractic is one of only a handful of vitalistic, subluxation centered schools remaining in the United States and Europe. The Chiropractic Cartel through the Council on Chiropractic Education has been very succesfull in either eliminating or marginalizing those schools that do not adhere to its medial paradigm.
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