Johnny Suchdev DC - Investigation & Review of Misleading and Unsubstantiated Claims about the Efficacy of Chiropractic Care

Violation of College of Chiropractors of British Columbia Efficacy Claims Policy
We recently reported on the chaos caused by the British Columbia College of Chiropractors adoption of an “acceptable evidence” policy and their actions in going after chiropractors who they deem have violated it and threatening to do more of the same.
After reviewing the Policy and the standards of conduct for chiropractors in British Columbia we undertook a review of the websites of the members of the Board of the College of Chiropractors to see if their own websites would meet their Policy.
We found violations of their own Policy and we report on those violations found.
Johnny Suchdev DC
Johnny Suchdev DC is a Board member of the College of Chiropractors of British Columbia and has been licensed since 2005 following his graduation from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland Oregon.
CLICK HERE to review his website
***All of the website content discussed herein was live as of October 15, 2018***
Since Dr. Suchdev claims to be a “perfectionist” we were sure he would have read and understood the very policies he voted on to adopt regarding research and health claims.
“Dr. Suchdev is extremely passionate, focused and a perfectionist when it comes to patient care.”
Well one thing is for sure – he is an optimist. He actually claims on his website in a big bold announcement that he can “make the impossible possible”
Maybe that’s because he “provides the best care” for his patients as he claims on his site where he markets to an unsuspecting and gullible public:
“His commitment to continuing education and strong desire to improve his clinical outcomes has allowed him to provide the best care possible for his patients so they can feel, move and live better.”
“Best care possible”
“Best care possible for his patients so they can feel, move and live better.”
“So they can feel, move and live better.” Emphasis added.
His patients LIVE BETTER!
We believe Dr. Suchdev will be presenting his reams of research that were conducted on his own patient outcomes after the study he commissioned was approved by an Independent Review Board for the protection of human subjects – showing us how his patients live better compared to all the other chiropractors who must not know what they are doing.
We’re certain he has RCT’s and other high level research demonstrating this.
His success is most likely due to his “innovation” as he claims on his public facing website:
“Dr. Suchdev uses soft tissue treatments such as Active Release Techniques® (ART) in conjunction with innovative rehabilitation exercises and other therapies.”
Definition of Innovative - featuring new methods; advanced and original.
So another College Board member claiming to be superior to his fellow chiropractors in BC?
Maybe it’s just true and we need to get over it. Maybe he is just better than the rest.
He does claim to be “The leading clinic in Vancouver” Emphasis added.
He claims to be “raising the bar” with his “innovative approach” and that he is “re-defining health care”.
Quick – get an appointment with this guy before he stops taking on new patients!
Along with his fellow Board members, Suchdev has a very similar list of all the diseases and conditions he is so good at curing.
It’s the usual suspects including: herniated discs, Sciatica/Piriformis Syndrome, Shin Splints, Shoulder Injuries (including Frozen Shoulder), Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow, TMJ Pain
Torticollis – he goes on and on adding . . .
“One of the common misconceptions is that chiropractic is just for back pain.”
Oh really? What else do you treat?
“At PHG we use Active Release Techniques® (ART) and other soft tissue techniques in conjunction with exercise therapy to treat a variety of conditions from shoulder pain to knee pain to wrist pain.”
Perhaps Dr. Suchdev will also be presenting his new, advanced and original methods that make him the leading clinic in Vancouver that is re-defining health care along with his other research that shows it meets the very strict criteria the Board demands of all BC chiropractors.
He does say right on his website that he has an evidence informed practice. He wouldn’t lie about that would he?
We look forward to Dr. Suchdev providing all the evidence he has to support his claims and that also meet the standards of the Board’s Efficacy Claims Policy.
See below for the investigations of other Board Members
CLICK HERE for screenshots of the Board members' Websites
CLICK HERE to review the original story
Bethany Lindsay also recently reported on it for CBC News CLICK HERE for her story
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