The ACA is Coming After Your X-ray Radiation Output & Utilization Rates - and they are bringing the government with them

In a shocking big brother move by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) they have engaged the Food and Drug Administration, state radiation programs, the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD), the American Chiropractic College of Radiology, the American College of Radiology, the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, and the Medical Imaging Technology Alliance to gather radiation output and utilization data from chiropractic clinics.
The ACA, the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), and the Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters (CCGPP) along with authors of recently published anti-x-ray papers, have framed the issue of taking of x-rays for the purposes of ruling out contraindications to care, biomechanical analysis, subluxation analysis, post care outcomes and pathology as a threat to public health.
Besides these chiropractic trade organizations, major insurance companies have recently adopted these restrictive guidelines and the rights of chiropractors to take x-rays have been taken away in places like Ireland.
According to the letter from the ACA being sent by the state radiation control authorities this is what they want to do with you, your office and your radiation data in the interest of protecting public health:
1. A trained radiation control surveyor employed by your state government will visit your site to gather radiation output and other data from your x-ray system(s) used for conducting cervical and lumbar x-ray procedures in your offcie. They will require the assistance of staff to operate the equipment, but should only need approximately one hour of time with the x-ray unit.
2. Your facility is asked to complete a brief questionnaire that seeks additional information regarding your clinical practice. Several questions request x-ray procedure workloads (how many cervical and lumbar spine studies you perform in an average month, and how many views per study you perform). Close estimates are sufficient for this survey.
The letter adds an insult to the intelligence of chiropractors who in this day and age of BIG DATA understand how data can be cross referenced, mined and used for a variety of purposes by stating:
"Any responses you provide during this survey are kept in strict confidentiality. Only aggregate statistical results are compiled and published."
This unprecedented move on the part of the ACA to peer into chiropractic practices comes at a time when chiropractors who manage vertebral subluxation in a salutogenic model are being targeted for "elimination" by various trade groups, regulatory authorities and leadership at chiropractic colleges around the world.
Chiropractors are urged to carefully consider participating in any way with this effort by the ACA to use the government and radiation control authorities to find out what you are doing in your office.
CLICK HERE for more on the ACA's X-Ray Debacle

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