ACA Strategy is Working: "Straight" Organizations and Schools Endorse ACA Scope Expansion Effort

In a memo written a couple of years ago to the Association of Chiropractic College (ACC) Presidents, attorney David O’Bryon who serves as the ACC President lays out very clearly that the ACC “. . .supports expanding patient access to the full scope of chiropractic practice.”
In his memo (CLICK HERE to READ) O’Bryon lauds the Medicare proposal being offered by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) stating:
“The ACA's legislative proposal is to expand Medicare patients' access to chiropractic care. The proposed bill's objective -- to expand patient access to chiropractic's full scope of practice -- benefits patients, our students who will serve them and is a path to full services as outlined by state scope of practice laws. Successful legislation that provides full reimbursement for care will enable our current students and alums to help make their practices successful and help with student loan expenses (emphasis added). I believe that all parties can agree on this.”
According to O’Bryon the ACA proposal would expand coverage to the full extent of states’ scope of practice.
O’Bryon also refers to his desire to remove subluxation from the legislation and instead place it in a “purpose clause.” According to O’Bryon, the Executive Committee of the ACC was 100% in favor of removing subluxation from the language in this manner.
Presence of subluxation would no longer be mandatory for care.
The "Purpose clause", although part of the law, has no operational effect. It only explains their intent. Their intent is to expand coverage beyond spinal subluxation, but if it's legal, it would be covered.
Of course, the usual third party pay issues of medical necessity and investigational procedures would remain.
Care for subluxations would be covered if permitted by state law and regulation, but would no longer be required.
You would be able to do anything that's legal and do it all without addressing subluxation.
There is no "OPT OUT" language in the ACA bill which most chiropractors want.
Making matters worse is language in the bill that while you will have full access to bill all services that is only until your billing profile is worse than your peers. Then you'll lose access to bill everything except the adjustment. According to Medicare experts this is a really easy standard to screw people over and take them out of the program.
Other organizations that used to be considered subluxation focused such as the Colorado Chiropractic Association, California Chiropractic Association and Washington State Chiropractic Association have signed on to the expansion.
The Congress of Chiropractic State Associations, a key member of the Chiropractic Cartel has also signed onto the scope expansion bill. This means even state organizations that are subluxation focused and did not individually endorse it have in fact endorsed it through their membership in COCSA.
The ACA and its organizational and corporate supporters can put another notch in their belt in regards to its efforts at luring the subluxation camp like a predator with candy. This time they want to go to Congress and get them to EXPAND the scope of practice under Medicare so that everything under state scope will be covered – which of course also means drugs.
Worse still is that many in the subluxation camp are afraid to speak up and oppose what is being supported by virtually all of the profession's organizations, schools and leaders. They are afraid because many in the subluxation camp, while they may not admit it publicly, also want expanded scope. They may not want to prescribe drugs but they want primary care status (as opposed to portal of entry status) and they want to be paid for all the “vitalistic” services they provide such as nutrition, exercise, physical therapy etc.
The harsh reality is that:
The proposals being lobbied by the ACA, ACC, COCSA and the rest of the groups that have signed on to it will all increase Medicare expenditures.
- Their proposals are a blatantly self-serving approach.
- It is obvious that the focus is on chiropractors making more money by being able to bill for additional procedures, not service to patients.
- In the real world, chiropractors are not viewed as primary care physicians.
- Would you go to a chiropractor for a prostate exam or urinary tract infection?
- How many would want a woman in their life (think wife/daughter) go to a chiropractor for a breast or pelvic exam?
- How many think chiropractors are qualified to prescribe drugs?
Nevertheless, this is the plan from the “leadership” of the profession including those who purport to be on the side of subluxation.
If we are going to attempt to “reform” Medicare we need legislation that allows chiropractors to practice as chiropractors and be reimbursed for providing the chiropractic benefit as opposed to legislation that expands the scope to full physician status. Such efforts are clearly meant to expand the definition of chiropractic, expand the scope, allow for duplication of services, position chiropractors as primary care providers instead of portal of entry, and change the very nature of the profession.
Be thoughtful before you sign any petition being put in front of you regarding Medicare.

- The Chiropractic Cartel: A Look Back at Bias in Accreditation and its Imact on Today's Profession
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