Jon Miller - Lobbyist College of Chiropractic Medicine Keiser University - Testimony before the Florida House Health Quality Subcommittee

Director of External AffairsÂ
Keiser University
Testimony before the Florida House Health Quality Subcommittee
March 19, 2019
CLICK HERE for a video of Jon Millers Testimony
Thank you Madam Chair, members. Appreciate being here with you today. You're gonna hear from the President of our College at Keiser University shortly. Ah, but the question is ah, removing the commission (sic) on chiropractic education who is the current programmatic accreditor. It has vigorous standards that requires evidence of competency, 31 different outcome areas specific to chiropractic practices. Ah, these are things like areas of instruction, demonstration of quality standards and the bottom line is to protect the consumer who is the student and the public at large.
Um, the Florida Chiropractic Association opposes this bill. Our fear is that removal of this certification would lead to Florida becoming a diploma mill for chiropractors.
Um, CCE has certain programmatic accreditation that is specific to the field of chiropractic. Um, there's 76 total programmatic accreditations that exist in the US, the schools participate in this to show top quality.
Um, in the past, programs like physical therapy, radiologic tech have been removed requirements for programmatic accreditation in Florida as a result hospitals stopped hiring graduates who did not receive this certification for programmatic accredited institutions.
Would you go to a lawyer who had not been part of the Florida Bar, would you trust a doctor who's not met the minimum standards of the AMA? Similarly for our profession, uh, this, these are the certain standards that are set out ah, and we're afraid that it would be dangerous to go to a chiropractor who has not met these minimum standards by peers in their profession.
CLICK HERE for a video of Jon Millers Testimony

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