Former ICA President DD Humber Worries Merger with ACA is Next for ICA

Here is the full text of Dr. Humber's letter:
Just received word that the ICA is considering accepting the Georgia Chiropractic Association as an ICA Affiliate. Being a past president of the GCA, you would think I would like this idea but nothing could be further from the truth!
Dr. Sid and Dr. Nell, myself and many other DC's here in Georgia left the GCA in the early 80's and formed the Georgia Council of Chiropractic. The GCC has been since those days an ICA affiliate. On the other hand, the GCA has been an affiliate of the ACA and a very strong supporter of everything the ACA has stood for over the years.
To have the GCA now become an affiliate of the ICA is an affront to Dr. Sid's memory, to me and yes, in my opinion, to B.J. Palmer.
Question: Has ICA leadership slipped to the point where they want to draw closer to the ACA? If so, why? Is a merger considered next?
I am personally shocked and embarrassed that the ICA would even be considering such a move!
Vote "NO" to the GCA!
D.D. Humber, DC, FICA

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