Parker Chiropractic Researcher Claims No Evidence in Regards to Chiropractic & Autism

Two "journalists" who repeatedly publish error filled articles attacking chiropractic wrote a recent hit piece on chiropractic and its role in autism published on June 22, 2019 by The Atlantic.
In that article the authors interview Katherine A Pohlman, DC, DICCP, MS, PhD(c) who is a researcher at Parker University College of Chiropractic and in regards to research on chiropractic and autism stated:
“We don’t have any current evidence to make any sound, safe statements"
The statement by Pohlman comes amid numerous similar statements being made by chiropractors in positions of authority in Canada, Australia and the United States who, despite their credentials and positions, reveal their deep ignorance of the literature on chiropractic in general and its role in managing children specifically.
Australia is expected to soon ban chiropractic in some way shape or form for children under 12 and chiropractic boards in Canada and Australia have already banned the management of children with neurodevelopmental disorders. What is most concerning is that the regulatory boards have done this with little or no pushback from practicing chiropractors or the trade associations representing them. Dozens of chiropractors in those countries have been put under scrutiny by their regulatory boards.
That such nonsense is now being spewed by a chiropractic researcher at a chiropractic school in the United States should alarm every chiropractor in the country. Its only ever been a matter of time before the anti-subluxation, anti-vitalistic movement that has spread from the United Kingdom, to Australia and Canada made its way to the States. Pohlman's comment and opinion paves the way for regulatory boards in the US to move in a similar direction.
Pohlman is no stranger to controversy as she has teamed up with researchers such as outspoken anti-chiropractic researcher Sunita Vohra and Subluxation Denier Greg Kawchuk. Vohra has seriously mis-represented chiropractic in her research and Kawchuk recently compared bringing your child to a vitalistic chiropractor to bringing them to a Catholic priest.

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