Current & Past ICA Leadership Urge Members to Vote NO to Take Over Bid

In what is amounting to an historic event for chiropractors, the members of the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) are about to decide on major changes to its Bylaws and Constitution that would centralize all power within the organization to a small group of essentially self selected board members.
Under the guise of modernizing its operating structure, the current President of the ICA, Stephen Welsh DC, has orchestrated a takeover of an organization that has historically been democratically controlled by its membership. Welsh claims the changes were needed and recommended by a "consultant" who is used by several of the Cartel controlled chiropractic colleges.
Several past ICA Presidents have spoken out against the changes and have issued emotional statements for the membership to vote "no" on them.
Past ICA President Michael McLean stated "Just to be clear. I am unalterably opposed to the ICA Bylaw changes along with 3 other ICA Presidents and many many other members".
DD Humber, another past ICA member stated "I too, as a past President and ICA member since the early 60's will be voting No!"
Past ICA President Bobby Braile took things a step further and provided several documents analyzing the changes and the dire implications for the future of the ICA should they pass.
Braile stated "This entire thing is not needed and detrimental to the ICA and members".
Braile also interviewed the most recent ICA President George Curry who urged listeners to vote no.
CLICK HERE for the Braile/Curry Interview
CLICK HERE for Braile analysis
CLICK HERE for Braile Comparison
In all, four past presidents of the ICA are urging members to put a complete stop to the takeover.
In addition to the past Presidents, several members of the Representative Assembly have spoken out publicly including
CLICK HERE for Jay Korsen's message
CLICK HERE for Eddie Martinez's message
CLICK HERE for Ed Gigliotti's message
In addition several other Representative Assembly leaders have chimed in against the changes including:
- Stephen Judson
- Brian Lieberman
- Beth Zogg
- Matthew Alvord
Lifetime Members of the ICA including Lucas Matlock and Mindy Weingarten have been urging members to vote "no" to the changes in the Constitution that will be going out to the membership for a vote soon.
The ICA has had a long history of members and leaders that have tried to bring the organization closer to the ACA and who identify with the musculoskeletal and broad body treatment element of the profession. Not in its entire history however, did the ICA have a President that appears to have as his sole goal the dismantling of what has made the ICA great and while cozying up to the Cartel and never in its history has it had a Board willing to go along with it.
Now its up to the membership to stop them. It could be the last vote the membership has in the organization.

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