FCLB, NBCE & Related Cartel Members Hold Midyear Meeting in Florida

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During the meeting, the FCLB congratulated themselves and the NBCE for all the hard work they say they did during the pandemic. Other than raising fees on students, canceling exams and telling chiropractors they should shut down, its not known exactly what the NBCE did for the profession over the past nine months - other than give themselves half a million dollars of student loan money while remaining silent about the arrest of their Executive Director.
CLICK HERE for more on the unnecessary exams
For the FCLB's part during the pandemic, they demanded chiropractors be treated as essential - along with every other trade organization in chiropractic. Hardly a herculean effort.
CLICK HERE for more on that story
The FCLB was silent while chiropractors were completely shut down in Colorado and Kentucky and have also been silent regarding unscientific practices forced upon chiropractors by regulatory boards such as masking, distancing and other draconian measures.
Nevertheless, the back slapping was in full bloom during the meeting according to their minutes.
CLICK HERE to review the minutes
The NBCE thanked Karlos Boghosian, FCLB President for all he has done to continue to contribute to the NBCE and:
" . . . creating the best working relationship between the FCLB and the NBCE that he has seen".
Boghosian also sits on the Board of Directors of the NBCE.
Boghosian has promised many people within the conservative faction of the profession that his intention was to change the FCLB and NBCE from within and that's why he wanted to get on their boards. A mantra that has been repeated over several decades to the gullible within the conservative faction of the profession. Of course nothing of the sort has happened as the Cartel that enjoys a monopoly over the educational, regulatory and licensing aspects of the entire profession becomes further entrenched and ever more powerful.
To further assert that control the NBCE asked the FCLB during the meeting ". . . to allow for discussion about opening up a seat on the FCLB board for a member of the NBCE board."
The FCLB has no actual governmental or regulatory authority, is accountable to no one except itself and according to publicly available tax records receives the bulk of its funding from student loan money funneled to them from the NBCE. It is common for FCLB members to bounce back and forth between the FCLB, NBCE and state regulatory boards. Some serve on all three at the same time. No conflicts of interest there.
Student money from the NBCE has been funding the bulk of the FCLB's budget for a very long time - to the tune of $655,140.00 a year. And that does not count the free rent and utilities the NBCE gives the FCLB totaling $32,764.00 per year.
Other Cartel supporters such as the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) were in attendance at the meeting and provided reports. The F4CP was the lucky recipient of student loan money from the NBCE this past year.
The "not for profit" Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) was given $615,000.00 of student money by the NBCE Directors for "career development". Considering the F4CP took in $1.2 million in 2018 one wonders why the NBCE had to give the F4CP any student money.
And its no surprise that NBCE Directors sit on the Board of the F4CP.
The ChiroCongress was also at the FCLB meeting to announce their new strategic plan. ChiroCongress (formerly COCSA) is made up of ACA affiliated state chiropractic organizations and has recently embarked on a survey of so called "stakeholders" including the Forward Thinking Chiropractic Alliance (FTCA) and the World Federation of Chiropractic. The leader of the FTCA - Bobby Maybee - was one of the ring leaders in the United States that used the anti-chiropractic WFC and ACA's documents on immunity to teach anti-subluxation chiropractors how to file complaints against chiropractors around the country.
The ChiroCongress has also endorsed the ACA's Medicare Scope Expansion and Drug Bill and these actions appear to have gained them entrance into the Cartel and to "have a seat at the table".
And while many chiropractors are struggling to keep their doors open, dealing with anti-scientific mandates and all the other issues that make practice so challenging right now, the FCLB decided to hold their 2021 Mid Year meeting in Hawaii in conjunction with the newly re-branded ChiroCongress.
Interestingly - only 6 were in favor of that decision. Two were opposed and two abstained. The minutes did not reflect who those four individuals were.
CLICK HERE for more on that story

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