A Dangerous Secrecy: Iowa Board of Chiropractic's Alarming Silence on Multiple Abuse Cases

In a chilling revelation that exposes a fundamental flaw in the systems meant to protect us, the Iowa Board of Chiropractic has repeatedly concealed serious allegations of sexual misconduct against central Iowa chiropractor, Stuart Hoven. This lack of transparency, arguably a betrayal of the public's trust, calls into question the true purpose and efficacy of such regulatory bodies.
Stuart Hoven, from Winterset, has a disturbing history dating back 20 years. A history that, if adequately disclosed, might have spared potential victims from trauma. Instead, the Board kept multiple allegations hushed up, under the pretense of a 2021 Iowa Supreme Court order that restricts information release until cases are resolved.
It is not just a singular incident that's concerning. Hoven faced allegations in 2003, 2012, and now in 2023. Following the 2003 allegations, where Hoven was accused of improper conduct with two patients, the board had merely suspended his license temporarily, even after Hoven admitted to some of the misconduct. By 2010, all restrictions on his license had been lifted.
The year 2012 brought new accusations to the forefront. Yet again, the Board's response was lenient: a temporary suspension with 'interim safeguards'. Shockingly, by 2019, the board was easing its constraints on Hoven.
The recent charges in March 2023 underline a concerning pattern of unethical conduct. While Hoven's recurrent behavior is reprehensible, it's the Board's continuous suppression of this information from the public that is deeply alarming. The onus should be on the Iowa Board of Chiropractic to ensure such professionals are properly vetted and held accountable for their actions.
In an era demanding transparency and accountability, especially in healthcare, the Iowa Board of Chiropractic's pattern of silence is not just disconcerting; it's dangerous. The public deserves to know the history of professionals they trust with their health. It's high time the Board re-evaluates its policies and prioritizes public safety above all.
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