The Movement for Chiropractic Quality and Integrity Submits CCE Complaint to USDE

The Movement for Chiropractic Quality and Integrity (MCQI) joined several other conservative organizations in submitting written complaints to the United States Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education and the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) in advance of the upcoming Hearing for consideration of Renewal of Recognition of the Council on Chiropractic Education.
In their letter the MCQI recommended that the CCE renewal be granted on a conditional basis or that the CCE be dismantled and a new accrediting agency formed that is representative of the profession.
The MCQI cited several violations by the CCE of the Criteria for Recognition of the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) to support their recommendations including:
1. Most notable of the violations is the failure of the CCE to recognize and respond appropriately to the wishes of the institutions, faculty, practitioners and students.
2. Failure to adequately assess the competency of chiropractic colleges in producing graduates who will succeed in clinical practice.
3. The curriculum being insufficient in teaching the core principles and practice of chiropractic.
5. National University of Health Sciences has publicly advertised their program as a Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine Program and sought the approval of various state boards to allow this distinction. .
The MCQI, along with other conservative groups, alos pointed out that the CCE is not representative of the profession and that it has a long history of conflicts of interest and advancement of philosophical and political agendas. MCQI quoted Gerry Clum DC, past-president of Life Chiropractic College West and former councilor on the CCE, regarding the election process:
“Think about the appointment process to the Council – people get nominated, they are vetted by a committee of the Council on ambiguous criteria, they are put on a ballot that allows preferences to come into play, then a decision is made by the people who already sit on the Council. The opportunity for in-breeding, and election of people who represent a given orientation in the profession versus another, is obvious."
The MCQI complaint also quoted James Edwards DC, a past ACA chairman, commenting in regards to this saying:
“This incestuous selection process has failed to produce CCE board and council members who are willing and able to represent the mainstream positions of the majority of doctors of chiropractic, the majority of chiropractic colleges, and both national chiropractic membership organizations. And until CCE changes its electoral process, it will remain an organization without any moral authority to speak for the chiropractic profession.”
The MCQI requested a proper resolution to the above violations stating that, as to date, no actions have been taken to ensure that these abuses do not continue. They (MCQI) asked for a reformation of the CCE governing body or the dissolution of the CCE with the formation of a new accrediting body with a grace period to establish such a body.
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