
European Schools Sign Anti-Subluxation Position Statement
05/17/2015 - 14:43 – Chiropractic Cartel includes mostly members of the so-called “Chiropractic Summit” group which has as one of ...
Last updated 6 years 49 weeks ago
ACA Leader Says They No longer Oppose Scope Expansion
06/12/2014 - 13:19 – discuss the Summit Statement on drugs and how it finally forced the International Chiropractors ...
Last updated 10 years 12 weeks ago
FVS Responds to ICA President’s Open Letter
11/25/2013 - 22:36 – during a meeting of the Chiropractic Summit which includes various members of the Chiropractic Cartel ... was approached by the Chiropractic Cartel and the groups that make up the Chiropractic Summit ... the situation is as follows: The ICA is now also a member of the Summit Group which includes all the ...
Last updated 10 years 41 weeks ago
ACA President Speaks at Life University
11/15/2012 - 22:41 – healthcare system. He stated that much agreement exists between the ACA and ICA as an outcome of the Summit ... meetings. The Summit Group participants all embrace the concept of the chiropractor as a Primary Care ...
Last updated 11 years 42 weeks ago
Vanterpool vs. FCLB Trial: Day Three - Boghosian Takes the Stand
07/11/2024 - 14:13 – Continued focus on the Chiropractic Summit The third day of the Vanterpool vs. FCLB trial ... revealed an ongoing focus and intrigue about the Chiropractic Summit and the nature of her interactions ... action against? Did the FCLB have to issue or send an apology letter to the Chiropractic Summit team ...
Last updated 8 weeks 2 days ago
FCLB President Campion's Deposition Excerpts Released
11/27/2023 - 17:49 – The Chiropractic Summit Snub: A Catalyst for Conflict At the heart of this controversy lies a ... seemingly innocuous incident – Dr. Vanterpool's attendance at a Chiropractic Summit meeting in August ... repercussions. The Summit Group: A Secretive Alliance? The FCLB's  "partnership&quot ...
Last updated 40 weeks 5 days ago
Boghosian Announces IBCE's Latin American Competency Testing Program
10/26/2023 - 14:07 – , NBCE, IBCE, CCE, state chiropractic regulatory boards and members of the Chiropractic Summit group ... . The Chiropractic Summit: A Shrouded Mystery One of the intriguing aspects of this controversy is ... the mention of the "Chiropractic Summit ," a self-selected group of organizations that ...
Last updated 45 weeks 2 days ago
Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners Doing Everything it Can to Keep the CCE Monopoly in the State
10/26/2023 - 13:11 – controversy that has come to light in the Vanterpool case is the mention of the "Chiropractic Summit ... " in Discovery documents. The Summit is a self-selected group of organizations that plays a ... as the administrator of the Summit on the FCLB's website. Yet, she has not responded to ...
Last updated 45 weeks 2 days ago
ICA's Gift to ACA: Not Opposing ACA Medicare Scope Expansion & Drug Bill
08/25/2019 - 12:27 – Guise of Medicare During Meeting of Chiropractic Summit The International Chiropractors ... OPPOSE it. The announcement follows a meeting of the Chiropractic Summit group that included ... and chiropractic physician primary care status. The move by the ICA and the Summit group to ...
Last updated 4 years 50 weeks ago
ACA Proposes Medicare Language to Include All Services Under State Scopes of Practice
02/23/2016 - 22:32 – Foundation for Vertebral Subluxation VP Says Majority of Summit Leadership Voted ... proposal to the Chiropractic Summit leadership and have worked to add a section to the bill clarifying ... scope of practice issue. We have taken our proposal to the Chiropractic Summit leadership and ...
Last updated 8 years 28 weeks ago