European Schools Sign Anti-Subluxation Position Statement

Six chiropractic programs in Europe along with one in South Africa have signed a Position Statement on Clinical and Professional Chiropractic Education revealed during the World Federation of Chiropractic’s Convention in Athen’s Greece.
The statement was signed by the following schools:
- Anglo-European College of Chiropractic
- Welsh Institute of Chiropractic
- The Education of Clinical Biomechanics – University of Southern Denmark
- Chiropractic Medicine – University of Zurich
- The French-European Institute of Chiropractic
- Department of Chiropractic – University of Johannesburg
Chiropractic schools not signing the Position Statement include McTimoney College of Chiropractic and the Barcelona College of Chiropractic. Both McTimoney and Barcelona were recently denied accreditation by the European Council on Chiropractic Education for issues related to subluxation based care and evidence based practice.
Item number 5 in the Position Statement reads:
“The teaching of vertebral subluxation complex as a vitalistic construct that claims that it is the cause of disease is unsupported by evidence. Its inclusion in a modern chiropractic curriculum in anything other than an historical context is therefore inappropriate and unnecessary.”
The position statement follows on the heels of a 2010 “Guidance” issued by the General Chiropractic Council in the United Kingdom. The Guidance was issued in regards to evidence based practice and advertising claims based on the Bronfort Report an examination of cherry picked literature regarding subluxation and chiropractic care.
CLICK HERE for a copy of the Bronfort Report
The GCC statement included the following:
“The chiropractic vertebral subluxation complex is an historical concept but it remains a theoretical model. It is not supported by any clinical research evidence that would allow claims to be made that it is the cause of disease or health concerns.”
These European schools join a wider movement within chiropractic referred to as “Subluxation Deniers” who are changing chiropractic into the practice of primary care, including prescription drug rights, while at the same time marginalizing those practitioners who would focus their care on the analysis and correction of vertebral subluxation.
The Chiropractic Cartel includes mostly members of the so-called “Chiropractic Summit” group which has as one of its goals the establishment of chiropractic as the practice of primary care as chiropractic physicians.

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