
Subluxation Denier Stephen Perle to Represent Chiropractic as Keynote at ACA's 2018 Legislative Conference in DC
02/08/2018 - 21:52 – STORY The ACA also recently resigned from the Summit Group. The Chiropractic Summit is part of a ...
Last updated 6 years 30 weeks ago
Current Medicare Proposals Are Pipe Dreams
03/13/2016 - 19:49 – , years later the ACA and its organizational and corporate supporters via the Chiropractic Summit Group ... proposals being lobbied by the ACA, ICA, ACC, COCSA and the Chiropractic Summit will all increase Medicare ...
Last updated 8 years 25 weeks ago
Department of Education Staff Report on CCE Released
11/22/2013 - 14:44 – Chiropractic Summit, including the ICA, will endorse the CCE during the hearing. Another group known as ... deferral of recognition. Since the ICA was part of DaVinci and chose to align with the Summit and Cartel ...
Last updated 10 years 41 weeks ago
Netherlands Tells ICA to "Mind its Own Business"
09/15/2013 - 22:05 – for its continued involvment in the Chiropractic Summit even though the Summit's declared ...
Last updated 10 years 51 weeks ago
Do Not Support the Texas Chiropractic Association in their Battle with the TMA
01/30/2017 - 20:26Summit Group which are made up of various schools, trade organizations and regulatory bodies seeking the ...
Last updated 7 years 29 weeks ago
Michigan Association Claims Chiropractors are Primary Care Physicians
02/03/2016 - 21:18 – Cartel includes mostly members of the so-called  “Chiropractic Summit” group which has as one of its ...
Last updated 8 years 25 weeks ago
IFCO Submits Comments to CCE Regarding Standards
10/29/2015 - 21:00 –   “Chiropractic Summit” group which has as one of its goals the establishment of chiropractic as the practice of ...
Last updated 8 years 45 weeks ago
New ICA Officers Elected
04/29/2013 - 21:36 – ), the Chiropractic Summit Group, ICA's relationship with the ACA in regards to pediatrics and ...
Last updated 11 years 19 weeks ago
ICA Releases Proposal for Changes in CCE
03/15/2012 - 20:19 – the signature goals of the American Chiropractic Association which leads the Summit group of which the ...
Last updated 12 years 25 weeks ago
Vitalism Has Been Discredited for Decades According to ACA Leader
11/17/2016 - 14:19 –   “Chiropractic Summit” group which has as one of its goals the establishment of chiropractic as the practice of ...
Last updated 7 years 42 weeks ago