Over 200 British Columbia Chiropractors Threaten Legal Action Against Board Over Proposed Mandatory Vaccination Policy

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The group warns that they ". . . have retained legal counsel and will commence with proceedings unless a satisfactory reply and solution is achieved."
The Notice of Liability states the consequences for mandating the experimental injection include "fines" and "incarceration" stating:
"The consequences for those who are held liable for harms caused by a mandatory vaccination policy may include fines, incarceration, and payment of damages and costs for strongly supporting or acquiescing in these mandatory vaccination policies, essentially requiring them to become a condition of licensing. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, nor is willful blindness."
The Provincial Health Officer for the Province of BC and its most senior public health official Bonnie Henry has said she is going to expand the reach of vaccination policies to include healthcare professionals in private practice.
BC's Health Minister Adrian Dix has suggested that the Government is going to make receipt of the experimental injection a condition of licensing within the College of Chiropractors.
The Notice, dated November 26, 2021, was then followed up at the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the College on December 1, 2021 where 78 percent of those in attendance voted in favor of a resolution to "maintain the right to medical freedom of choice" for chiropractors.
The Resolution submitted by Mark Foullong DC states:
The Notice of Liability was sent to the following members of the Board of the regulatory agency responsible for chiropractors:
- Dr. Amarpaul (Paul) Dhaliwal
- Dr. Arvin Bahri
- Dr. Chris Anderson
- Dr. Christopher Gainor
- Dr. Daniel Zybutz
- Dr. Elliot Mayhew
- Dr. Jennifer Forbes
- Dr. Johnny Suchdev
- Dr. Shannon Patterson
- Dr. Stephen Mogatas
- Dr. Travis Morgan
- Mr. Colin Bennett
- Mr. Ken M. Kramer
- Mr. Martin Sattler
- Ms. Dawana St. Germain
- Ms. Jacqueline Tarantino
- Ms. Susan Powell
- Ms. Terri Van Steinburg
The 227 chiropractors alert the Board members of their concern:
". . . that you may be unaware of your exposure to personal legal liability as a member of the CCBC board. It is our position that anyone who directs, authorizes, assents to, or acquiesces, or participates in, these mandatory vaccination policies will be personally liable for all of the harms caused by the policies. Such persons will not be able to avoid personal liability by saying they were simply following the mandates under a provincial health order."
The Notice states that the chiropractors have retained legal counsel and that they will take legal action if mandates are enacted.
The group requested:
"That you respect the law and an individual’s right to exercise their constitutional right to full, free, informed choice without coercion, intimidation, or threats and without the threat of loss of our practices and ability to earn a living and support our families by refusing to accept any directive by the Government to make mandatory vaccination the condition of our licensing."
The Notice states that the premise that the unvaccinated are a health hazard is without merit and that scientific and government data do not support assertions that the injections are safe or effective and that "the vaccinated are getting and spreading the virus as much or more than the unvaccinated."
The rest of the 33 page Notice reviews the scientific and government data supporting those statements in a thoroughly detailed and well referenced manner.
CLICK HERE for more on those stories
Indeed, so blatant is their bias towards those who practice in a subluxation model that the College itself is now under investigation by the Health Professions Review Board for not investigating complaints submitted against Board members of the Regulatory College.
The Notice of Liability, the Resolution on Medical Consent and the results of the investigation into the hiding of complaints follows a July Extraordinary General Meeting of the Regulatory Board where Resolutions were submitted to remove several of the BC Regulatory Board members for their behavior. Those individuals include:
- Jennifer Forbes
- Chris Anderson
- Amarpaul (Paul) Dhaliwal
- Johnny Suchdev
Prior to the July meeting a group of chiropractors known as "Chiropractors Unite" were sent threatening letters from attorneys representing Forbes, Anderson, Dhaliwal and Suchdev demanding an apology and retraction from the group claiming their accusations are "entirely false and without merit" and that the then proposed Resolutions "constitutes a serious libel".
The Resolutions to remove the Board members allege improper conduct, breach of fiduciary duties, conflicts of interest, bias, and omissions.
Johnny Suchdev is the focus of one of the complaints that Da Roza was found guilty of hiding from the inquiry Committee. The other complaint involves a chiropractor who is no longer on the Board.
Jennifer Forbes, in addition to her role on the BC Regulatory Board, is also a member of the Board of Trustees of Western States Chiropractic College (University of Western States).
Forbes serves as the Vice Chair of Western States Chiropractic College Board of Trustees according to her Linked In profile. Such a conflict might have gone unnoticed had Forbes not thrown herself into the briar patch by voting to ban the use of x-rays for the management of vertebral subluxation in her role on the CCBC. In fact, three of the four chiropractors serving on the CCBC who voted for the x-ray ban are Western States graduates. The fourth is a graduate of Canadian Memorial.
CLICK HERE for more about Forbes

International Report
- Defending the use of Routine X-Rays in Chiropractic Care: A Public Health Imperative
- Addressing Misconceptions About Imaging: The Case for Routine and Repeat X-Rays in Chiropractic Care
- Those Who live in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones: The Hidden Burden of Birth Trauma in Australia
- The Australian Chiropractic Board’s Ban on Infant Care: Weak Rebuttals Amidst Medical Bias
- Australian Chiropractic Board Reinstates Ban on Infant Care After Hysterics by Health Ministers