
URGENT: Increase in Vascular Related Incidents, Complaints & Lawsuits
05/23/2022 - 15:17 – Malpractice Program  Since we first learned that the "natural" version of COVID's ... contracted COVID this means that the vast majority of your patients may be at risk - which means that YOU are ... increasing number of calls from our insureds with questions about the relation of such issues to COVID ...
Last updated 2 years 9 weeks ago
Over 200 British Columbia Chiropractors Threaten Legal Action Against Board Over Proposed Mandatory Vaccination Policy
12/09/2021 - 14:45COVID vaccination as a condition of licensing. CLICK HERE to review the document The ...
Last updated 2 years 4 weeks ago
Majority of Canadian Chiropractors in BC Demand Medical Freedom
12/03/2021 - 21:39 – has not only been promoting vaccination for COVID but has encouraged and actually helped inject their ... COVID vaccination for themselves and have joined the effort to inject people where this is allowed and ...
Last updated 2 years 33 weeks ago
Please Let Us Vaccinate - Michele Maiers of Northwestern's President's Cabinet Begs Federal Government
09/23/2021 - 12:54 – add chiropractors to the list of eligible providers so they can inject the COVID vaccine . As ... . Maiers wrote to the White House and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith from the Office of the Covid-19 Health ... piece related to COVID as one of its authors and a member of the WFC's Research Committee that ...
Last updated 2 years 43 weeks ago
Informed Consent, Personal Autonomy, Evidence Informed Practice and Health Care Mandates
08/10/2021 - 00:00 – ChiroFutures Malpractice Program , ChiroFutures Issues Position Statement   During a time when paternalistic mandates in health care are expanding and the police powers of the administrative state are being used against large ...
Last updated 2 years 43 weeks ago
Sherman College Addresses Mandatory Vaccination & Consent Issues
08/05/2021 - 14:45 – personal autonomy. At the time of this writing, Oregon, California and Denver have mandated COVID vaccines ...
Last updated 2 years 50 weeks ago
"You Have no God Given Right to Practice Chiropractic" Says Gerry Clum - Director of Health Policy at LIFE University
12/10/2020 - 15:32 – : Chiropractic has received more formal complaints about COVID compliance than any other healthcare profession ...
Last updated 3 years 32 weeks ago
Royal College of Chiropractors Urges Chiropractors to Help Vaccinate UK Citizens
12/06/2020 - 16:32 – News Staff College Wants Chiropractors to Help the Large Scale Vaccination Program The Royal College of Chiropractors in the United Kingdom is urging chiropractors to sign up with the National Health Service (NHS) of ...
Last updated 3 years 33 weeks ago
Vitalistic, Subluxation Trade Groups in UK Signed Threat Warning Chiropractors on Immunity Discussions with Patients
12/06/2020 - 16:46 – , immunity and COVID. The group, made up of the following organizations: British Chiropractic ... and a warning to UK Chiropractors: Promote the COVID vaccine narrative that we approve or else ... Catherine Quinn DC has urged the UK Health Department to test all chiropractors for COVID even if they are ...
Last updated 3 years 33 weeks ago
NBCE Raises Exam Fees on Students - Meanwhile NBCE Has Nearly $40 Million in Assets & Gave its Directors Over Half a Million Dollars
11/19/2020 - 14:37 – , but their latest nonsense in the midst of COVID is the raising of their exam fees on students ... . Not only that but the NBCE has cancelled testing several times during the COVID crisis meaning ... of students and taxpayers in a press release yesterday and blamed the COVID crisis for the increase ...
Last updated 3 years 33 weeks ago